representing Nick's at the Pizza Expo

i will be sporting Nicks shirt at the Expo for Nick and Co. since he is un able to go (thanks for the shirt Nick)

Send me one and I will wear it in the Dominican :lol:

REPRESENT my brother!! Nothin’ but love for the fat pizza boys of the world. I will get there one day soon . . . and when I do, I hope it is a party to behold :slight_smile: We gotta get WADave there, too.

Eat a slice and drink a beer for me.

Any chance you can send me some menus from Hispanola?? At least the one half of it.

I will get you a menu one way or another. I think in 14 days I will have to try a couple places :slight_smile:

The challenge is on
You go and I’m there with you
And Richard (Daddio) can buy the first round :lol:
Roll on party time :stuck_out_tongue:


You are on Dave. I will see you there next year then. Right?

Count me in as a starter for 2011
I’ll put my prices up next week to cover the cost.
Nick, the challenge is on to get you there
Kim and Lyn can go sightseeing whie we get acquainted with everyone on the TT who are there
