

New member
Hey guys,

I wanted to get some input on this, as I have mixed feelings. My brother just signed up for a hockey league. Theres a total of 10 teams with about 20 guys per team. He asked if we could sponsor them. As some of you know, my father/partner is pretty against throwing good money after bad. But he’s actually considering this. It would be about 400 bucks, we would get a name on the jersey and a link on the rink’s website and if they win the championship, a trophy and a plaque. Now, here’s the catch. The rink is about 10 miles from us, 4 towns over. If he’s willing to spend 400 bucks on this, and without any roi, I’m sure I could come up with something better with that money.

Is it worth it?

I may have left out some details so feel free to ask.

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If they don’t play in your town it is not worth it. I sponsor alot of teams but they all play in my town. I had a race car driver ask me for sponsorship but the track is 40 miles away so there is no reason to sponsor. If he wants to sponsor his team to get some advertising it will be a waste. Sounds like he is just doing your brother a favor. Best to let him do it because it is a family thing. If it was just another person than I would fight him on this.
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considering your previous posts absolutely not…if you can scrounge up 400 bucks spend it on some much needed marketing like direct mail…see previous posts on this topic.

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IMHO LOVE to sponsor!! Yeppo! Especially kids and traveling teams! Learned early on if you get the kids you get the parents!! Softball, Bitty basketball, baseball, bowling, darts, even a demolition derby car for the fair. (fairworkers place alot of delivery orders) Gets kidda crazy in the summer when you end up with 1 or 2 teams plus parents all come in at once. Some just come in for ice cream and end up taking home pizza. When visiting teams are in town they come to us instead of McDonalds. Love tournaments! Some teams come in more that once on those days. Anytime someone wears our name it’s a plus! Shirts can last for years. Little guys get a pizza party delivered to the field each season, complete with balloons and those annoying blow things that you attach them to.
Fun and great advertisement. Local paper always has pictures. Bowling scores are printed every week and our team usually is mentioned. Sorry, I’m rambling (again)
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Got so excited I forgot to say …We have found that teams, adult and children alike, are very loyal to their sponsors and will go out of their way to purchase food from us as well as recommend us to others. 🙂 My guess is you will easily make that money back, especially if you serve beer! (not to stereotype hockey players)
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Any investment in advertising must generate sales of $15.00 to $20.00 per $1.00 spent…Sponsorships are hard to measure but usually end up being below what you really need on a business basis…But if you can afford it, you can do it because you are being “nice”…Same with “donations”…I usually budget 1/2% of my sales for donations and sponsorships…
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10 Miles away? That is nothing at all. 40 Miles is an hour drive, but 10? Heck that is almost in your delivery area. I agree with Stevo that marketing should generate income, but this is not marketing. This is brand building, and you should do it. The big chains sponsor sports for a reason, you should too.

10 Teams 20 guys per team? 200 people with probably another 300 in their families. You are guaranteed $400 in sales, $800 in sales covers food, labor and the initial $400 you spent. $400/500 people is less than $1 per person spent and that is break even, a wash.

You really have nothing to lose here. If no one comes, your brother gets no birthday present, Christmas present, and no anniversary present for 2 years, big deal end of story and you don’t do it next year. If it is a success, creating a few families that come in after the weekend games for carry out (or dine in if you have it), then you have customers for life.

Consider this first $400 a donation to a good cause, it just might turn out to be a really good cause.
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True true… Thanks for the replys. I just realized, I forgot to mention I’m only a del/co, so I can’t imagine teams coming in here to order too often, unless they are in our town/area.
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Buy some stadium cups with your logo, map, etc. on one side and a coupon for a free “fountain drink” on the other side good for a pickup order…Hand them out at the ballpark…
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Buy some stadium cups with your logo, map, etc. on one side and a coupon for a free “fountain drink” on the other side good for a pickup order…Hand them out at the ballpark…
Ballpark? Fountain drink? The?
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10 Teams 20 guys per team? 200 people with probably another 300 in their families. You are guaranteed $400 in sales, $800 in sales covers food, labor and the initial $400 you spent. $400/500 people is less than $1 per person spent and that is break even, a wash.
I don’t see the guarantee of $800, but I do agree that brand building could be worthwhile. That is IF the money is available. I know steveo922 is a little cashflow restricted, and $400 could be used to drive more sales than $800 even just saturation mailing 2000 postcards.

This decision doesn’t look like it is about ROI. There won’t be much compared ot other marketing opportunities. It needs to be a branding and financial decision. Can you afford $400 for a good impresssion on maybe 500 people? Nota lot of customer contacts, but it could get some serious word of mouth. We are struggling with same decision with little league here in town . . . but they play 400 yards from the shop 😃
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<<<<I forgot to mention I’m only a del/co, so I can’t imagine teams coming in here to order too often, unless they are in our town/area.>>>>

Okay then, nevermind. :oops:

I would send them a couple of free pizzas after the first game with a bunch of menus. Also tell them they are welcome to put flyers and stuff to promote games in my windows. etc. Tell them I would love to sponsor them but money is a bit tight right now and please let me know if there is any other way I could help the team. Maybe offer a discount to team members.
We had a carry out/delivery place for 4 years before we moved to a bigger place. Quite a bit different.
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