Sq. ft. per person/table?


New member
Obviously this changes with shape, state rules and regs(?), type of table (table, booth, etc.?), but is there some sort of very general rule of thumb with regard to how many people per sq ft (or sq ft per person) you can seat?

E.g. you’ve got 1000 sq ft. You can fit ?? people with proper thorough fare.
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Hi PJ:

It takes a minimum of 10 square feet of space per person to be seated.
But the capacity of a room is determined by a vast number of variables.
Booths or tables or mixed. Fast food or fine dining. Location of entrances and emergency exits. Location of restrooms. Type of beverage service. Location of kitchen. And other factors
George mills
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Here is the very small setup we are looking at it.

It was formerly a delivery/take out place, and was just approved for seating.

We are looking at a very small menu with pizza and salad, with no Fryer, range, etc. Dough will be made in house though. We’d love to squeeze as many seats in as possible but don’t want to make it awkward. This is casual, booths OK if that is the best option. Any thoughts?

The wall goes back to an ADA bathroom (dimensions are actually estimated) Width on that walkway should be around 3.5-4ft. The sink would be nice to leave-as-is since that is where plumbing is. Wall is not load bearing and can (relatively) easily be shortened.

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Hi guys.

I did not look far enough down to see the layout .

But My advise was that the space is hardly large enough for a carry out & delivery shop and if haveing some seating is important a larger sight should be located.

We get many inquires from folks who have selected locations that are simply to small for what they wish to do.1200 sq ft is about as small as we like to use for a carry out & delivery shop. Twenty ft. wide by 60ft. or longer is the best configuration. Add about 200 sq ft for every 10 seats you wish to add. Check with your building department as to how many rest rooms you will need as they consume at least 50 sq. ft. each.

Small space limits your purchasing and storage capabilities.You pay more for your supplies and need more frequent deliveries. Work space is cramped and often very inefficient.

That’s not to say that no smaller spot has been successful but few are.

George Mills
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