What do you think of the new Tank?

As you probably noticed, the Think Tank has undergone some big renovations in the past days. I would love to hear your comments, concerns, questions on the new design. :slight_smile:

Wish there was a way to mark each forum as “read” rather than just the whole thing at once.

If you go into each of the different forums and click Mark Forums Read you will be given the choice of the forum you are in or all forums.

It’s alot more user friendly on mobile devices.

The bright white background is really hard on the eyes - how about some coloration added to the background. The light blue edging is almost invisible, I can’t tell where one post ends and another begins.

Thanks for the color comments. We are going to try adding a well-defined line between each post and also changing the light blue to a kind of peach color. As for the bright white background, we’ll try to soften that a bit and see how it looks. :slight_smile:

I like it, although it’s a bit bright. Also a bit bland until people start adding avatars… that should color it up a bit. I know with forum software I’ve used in the past I could have members choose between different skins (darks ones and light ones). I’m not sure if that is an option but that could be an easy solution.

Very nice idea about the skins, pizzanow! I’m loving all these comments. :slight_smile:

I second adding a defining border between posts.

Much better mobile interface, so that’s awesome. The only problem is that it squeezes the forum into the left 1/4 of the screen. You can double tap and it expands perfectly, but I’m guessing that’s some kind of bug on the display. I think the forum is rendering as mobile, where the surrounding webpage is rendering as desktop.

Cleaner look and easier to navigate!
Maybe I’m just not seeing it but is there some sort of indicator as to what threads you have responded to?

If you have an avatar it will appear beside the thread.

Speaking of… Yay, I have an avatar again! It stopped working a long time ago on the old site; could never figure out why or how to get it back.

Totally right, PMQ header isn’t responsible and that’s why this happens.

You can click on Watched Threads at the top menu bar and it will show you all the threads that you’ve responded to which are unread. If you want to see all read and unread threads that you’ve responded to click on “show all watched threads” after clicking on “watched threads”

The search function only seems to search posts made since the change. This needs to be fixed or a great deal of good information and advice will fall by the wayside.

Great catch, Daddio. We’ll get to work on this. Luckily, if you search for a pizza topic in Google with the words Think Tank you will still find the results so the information is still accessible just not directly on the site… for now.

Hi Daddio,

This has been solved. Thank you for report it :slight_smile:

With respect to the background issue. I agree it is too bright. Also alternating a light color between posts (next post a different color but same intensity) has been a nice feature, to me, on other boards.

It seems my Microsoft Surface does not play well with the new forum…