What do you think of the new Tank?

It seems my Microsoft Surface does not play well with the new forum…

I am having issues as well with my windows tablet .

Also noticed I am a new member…

Could you please give me more details about the issues you are experiencing?

Thank you

I am having problems getting it to load using Internet Explorer 11. It loads just fine through Google Chrome

Thank you,

I was able to reproduce this…which is a quite strange issue that can be reproduced on Internet Explorer only (Have I ever mentioned that IE is the only web browser that doesn’t follow web standards?)

The forum doesn’t work for me on any of my computers, only on my iPhone for some odd reason. When I try to use it on a computer it shows up as just a white background with blue links for the topics in a list style format. Then when I click on one of the topics it gives me an error and says the page cannot be found.

I can’t upload the image because or file size unfortunately

That is what it does on my tablet, what version of windows are you running and are you using Internet Explorer?

I have found it works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari but not in Internet Explorer.

On each forum put a “Mark Forum Read” button like the “Post New Thread” button that is a single click. Put it up in that same top area instead of having to click a text link, choose an option and click again.

On the main forum menu put s similar “Mark All Forums Read” button.