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10-10-$10 promo a success


New member
My manager sent me a text when we were down to 20 doughballs… We had an all time record night for October. (best in 13 years). What the heck, I think we will do it again next year…
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You sucked up all the business, now I know why I was down about 15% last night. 😃

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It was a good night for us. We were prepped to do 3X our typical Monday and we did all of that. We closed for the night with two doughballs left! The guys were cutting down 16" dough to 14" at the end (promo was on a 14" pie). Our average order was still over $20. The big surprise was that we did over 60% carryout which is double our usual rate. I guess that bargain customer did not want to pay for delivery either!
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We did nothing this year but for some strange reason we did the sales from a Public Holiday (about 2.5 times more than ususal) with just our usual Monday crew of manager, counter person and driver (new - only been with us 2 weeks).
They followed up it up again last night as well using all dough balls by 7pm and then re-rolling more during the night.
Maybe your thoughts flowed over here Steve? If so keep the tought process going 😃
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I have to say it makes me wonder how often we can do something like that and not create the expectation that $10 is the regular price. Obviously once per year is not an issue. How about every second monday of the month, so … 12 times per year… or every week during our off-season?

The ads cost about 10% of sales for the day so it is not a long term good program… but if we capture a bunch of new customers I can live with it once in a while.
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… or every week during our off-season?
Personally, I’d stay away from every week. I ran a really aggressive Thursday special for about 8 months. The folks who heard about it would only come on Thursdays and some of our regular customers found out about it and stopped ordering on any day except Thursday.
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