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1st pizza store


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…hi everybody…my name is Rusty. I am in the early stages of opening my first restaurant of any kind and the only thing i want to do is pizza. I have several good things in my favor…I have no car payments and i have no credit card debt…pretty much the only debt i have is my home. I have enough cash to buy all the equipment i need. I also have about $60k in vehicles that i own and could sell if i needed the cash. My mom owns an established bar that has a kitchen that is sitting empty…she uses it for storage…she has offered me free rent if i wanted to open it up… i have several years of food service managment and I worked for a new pizza company and helped them open up new stores and new markets…they now have over 160 stores…my wife has also worked in food service as well as pizza…my daughter also has pizza experience…well all i have is ideas…i know what i like and I think I have a great chance of making it…I have an excellant job that I would have to leave…but I am tired of busting my tail to line someone elses pockets…Im all ears…I have been told im crazy…I have been told about hundreds of closed up pzza places…I believe in giving great service with a good product with reasonable prices…all i need is a pizza…that shouldnt be too hard should it??? LOL…ive got the name…“Crusty Rusty’s”…thats about it…
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Hi Rusty,

The answer to your questions are really all about you. Do you have the desire to work lots and lots of hours to make your business successful? That’s what it takes most of the time. If you have a great job you may want to stay and skip all the headaches that come with running your own shop. This is really a question only you can answer. Do some searching on this site as your questions have been answered in many ways, many times. Good luck in whatever you decide.
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Hey Rusty,
Sounds like you have a good set up as long as you don’t have to pour too much money into the kitchen to bring it up to code. Maybe bring a friend in the biz to the kitchen to take a look. I would double check the hood system, fire suppression and gas lines to start. I too had it with making restaurant owners big bucks by upgrading their systems, menus etc just to be given the boot when they couldn’t afford what I was asking. I’ve been up for a little over 2 years, this economy is no picnic. Like the last post stated very well, it’s up to you man. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done, I work 13 - 16 hours a day still. But, that being said there is nothing like having your guests bring in new customers because they think you have the best pizza in town. Whatever you think you have to spend double it, whatever hours you think you will work double it, whatever income you think your gonna make cut it in half. It’s a wild ride but you seem eager to strap in. Troll around, PM questions to people you relate to, there is tons of talent here but they are all straight shooters. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
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60k in cars? you need 450k in cars

:lol: nah really great luck! free rent… can’t beat that if you have the traffic.
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.I have an excellant job that I would have to leave…ive got the name…“Crusty Rusty’s”…thats about it…

why are you doing this then? I would re-think the name though
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.I have an excellant job that I would have to leave…ive got the name…“Crusty Rusty’s”…thats about it…
why are you doing this then? I would re-think the name though

He said “but I am tired of busting my tail to line someone else’s pockets”! Great motivation for any goal oriented person: Line your own pockets with all the goals you achieve.
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Sounds very good. Usually bars have a very small kitchen space, have you started working on what you might serve? For instance, you don’t have to make ‘real’ pizzas, you could do sandwiches, frozen pizza, etc. Once, you got it to working, who’s to say you couldn’t hire some workers and move on to something else? One word of caution: before you spend 1 penny, determine if your mother owns the building, or find the status of it, and get a legal lease for as long as possible!

Good luck!
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