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2stone Pizza Oven


New member
Does anyone have any experience using these in a restaurant? Besides performance, my main concern is service/repairs. I’m looking to add neopolitan pizzas for a small pub I’ll be opening. The small size of their ovens and short cooking times (2 minutes) are features I’m looking for. Any other suggestions for a similar oven with a small footprint would help as well. Thanks in advance.
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moving parts = expensive to fix…

This oven is so small though how will you handle if someone orders 3 pizza’s? cook them one at a time? the first one will be cold by the time the last one is cooked…

since its not the main part of your business, invest in a conveyer.

Neapolitan pizza, at least authentic is more then just the oven… its the 00 flour, DOP san marzano tomatoes and fresh mozz.

If you are doing all that… dont go on the cheap for an oven.
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This is going to be for a small pub and only be a part of the menu. Pizzas cook in less then 3 minutes at 900 degrees. We may end up using them for flatbreads only. I am worried about the maintenance factor.
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It’ll take too much propane IMO to be useful in a commercial environment…

Have you seen the small stainless wood fired oven on eBay? That might be an option…
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The 2stone has a commercial oven that uses natural gas and it’s NSF rated. I looked at the stainless wood burning oven on Ebay and it was very impressive, but as far as I could tell, not made for commercial use. Any piece of cooking equipment used in a restaurant in NC has to be NSF rated. That is a great looking oven though.
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At $5K and with NG it might indeed be a viable option, tho quite pricey, IMO…

But the video shows an undercooked pizza (66 seconds)

I’d consider playing with it, if it was, say, $3K or so…
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Re 2 stone Pizza oven.

Unless you have an existing hood to put that oven under the code will require you to install a hood.

Considering that initial cost and operating cost you may be better of to purchase one of the many ventless ovens on the market.

George Mills
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