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$300.00 WEBSITE


Staff member
SO I am 80 percent done with the website, I tried to make it fun and appealing. things I knew I needed, printed menu coupons that really are our staple specials…link to face book. online ordering ( THAT HAS TO BE REDONE NEXT).
I still need to change the sub menu pricing, appetizer page isn’t done yet, take a few more pictures, I had to use some stock pictures and even borrow some as I had an incident with my camera but I do hope to have all my real pictures when we are completely finished.
I personally think she did a good job for 300.00
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I liked it, made me hungry with the descriptions. You use Sweet Baby Rays, I’ve been using it at home for about 10 years now and have been using it on our BBQ chick here. Since you call them out by name on your menu will they give you anything?

I assume you want to know if we see any negatives?

The first thing I did was click on Pizza of the month, nothing. Then went to menu and there is no mention of the “Smokehouse BBQ” unless it is same as BBQ chicken.

I would want to have a description of the pizza below the picture when you click it. Same with subs, The adjectives would compliment the photos to create more desire.

Overall impression was great.
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pizza of the month is one of the small list of things they will be updating, it will be like our gourmet pizzas, it will open into a larger picture with a description…no its not the same…we use a small amount of liquid smoke in our crust and do a crumbled sausage, ham and bacon…I hope to have that updated asap…
Domain name…I really really wish I had dot com. but maybe get the other 2 and redirect?
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For $300, you got a great deal on the website. It looks nice. The design is simple and easy to follow. The only comment i would recommend is to add a text field box on the homepage to capture email addresses to build your customer database. I found the text box on the VIP section but it was easily overlooked.
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The site looks good, it has a consistent theme and seems to load fairly quickly. It doesn’t have a lot of Flash content which IMO is a good thing. Logo is a little pixelated but not bad. I really like that you have a printer friendly menu and that most of the pictures are well done and show off the product.

I’m not a big fan of splash pages and generally like to be taken directly to the landing page. Your’s is fun and gives a good overview of what to expect. I hope you have purchased a performance license to the song that plays during the show. I loaded this page with differnet systesms and browsers about 20 times and found that 20% of the loads had a significant load time. Maybe the flash could be optimized a bit more. Overall though not a killer since you have a skip intro button straight away.

The only content item I find annoying is the banner right below the naviation bar. I find the animation distracting and since it loads on every page, the pause caused in page load to be annoying. I would much rather see that be a static image (not flash content). It would be less distracting if it did not slide into place each time.
The underlying code technique (HTML table layout) used is a little dated but won’t effect viewablity for the site for a long time.

A few suggestions I have:
When you click on a menu picture to see it bigger I’m a fan of it popping up in a light box effect versus a separate page. It looks more professional IMO. I was also expecting a description of the pie when I clicked on the image to come up with item. i would also try this for the menu’s on the left sidebar

I don’t know how much control you have over you online ordering page but it reallys needs updating, espeically considering the quailty of the site you are having the customer leave.

I agree with menudrive on having a VIP email on the front page making it more noticable. It appears that there is some realestate on the home page on the bottm left hand corner.

I would get rid of the Next/Previous page links at the bottom and the Top link that is to the right of those. The top link doesn’t take you to what most people would consider the top anyway.

Give the same printer friendly treatment to the coupons.

Overall I think $300 was a reasonable deal and you’ve got one of the better retaurant sites I have seen.
Good luck I hope it works out for you as a great tool!

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Rockstar pizza:
Domain name…I really really wish I had dot com. but maybe get the other 2 and redirect?
That’s exactly what i would do. Your name registrar should be able to assist you with this.

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I like it a lot but I would find it imperative to go through it with extreme attention because there are several misspelled words “frys” japapeno carribean And a couple others, you need those fixed before you push the site.

One final thought, do a bit research on menu engineering and you will find that the most successful menus are the ones highlighting the dishes that give you the best food cost ratio…

Also in my area pizzerias do highlight the sizes of their pizza especially because around here (nj) smalls are 14" and large are 16" (mediums are pretty much done with) while the big chains as you know call their 14" a fricken large
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yep got to get another proof read done, I caught 2 more mispells
here are the changes that I am going to propose:
the pop ups need to have a description and be in a light box.
add the actual diameter to the sizes
move the VIP to the front page
I hope you have purchased a performance license to the song that plays during the show.
I have not, BUT here is a really big gray area, my wife worked in the music biz and I get to cater a lot of the big events…during one I talked to the Lead singer Chad Kroeger and asked him he actually wrote me a permission slip on a NAPKIN…Interesting fact though Chad started his own label so I really don’t know how that will play out since he is the singer and the writer and head of the label…I really think worst case senerio he would just say hey I revoke your rights which I just don’t think he would.
also a fun fact I learned that his brother came up with the name while working for Starbucks, he would often in say in handing back your change…Heres your nickle back…LOL sorry off topic…
MY ORDERING PAGE… that is a whole new rebuild that is in the works…
Pizza of the month needs to open larger and have a description
printer friendly coupons…
revisions sending out soon if I missed something let me know
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