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9/11/01 Let us never forget

Everyone says that . . . what exactly is it that we aren’t supposed to forget? Really. I am not being sarcastic; I am starting to ask people what they thing is so important not to forget . . . I have gotten some alarming and disturbing answers recently.
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Everyone says that . . . what exactly is it that we aren’t supposed to forget? Really. I am not being sarcastic; I am starting to ask people what they thing is so important not to forget . . . I have gotten some alarming and disturbing answers recently.
Lets not forget the first responders who gave their lives to minimize the number of lives lost in this tragedy.
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How vulnerable we really are. How Americans are able to come together in a time of crisis. How hundreds are willing to sacrifice for another. How incredible our resolve is. The survivors and victims and their families. How blessed we are as a nation to be free. The list, FOR ME, goes on and on.

I was watching a show the other night and they were talking about the plane where the passsengers took over and crashed in a field…I am personally grateful for them and want to remember them…as the plane may have been headed my way.

These are things I never want to forget.

It was by grace that I was saved,

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Freedom is not FREE!
This is very true. May brave men and women were lost that day. Many have served to protect our freedom and safety and lost their lives in the process.

The events of 911 have cost us much of our freedom. In a the true sense of the word terrorist they have won a battle against our freedom. We now have a society that is afraid to fly without going through rigorous security checks that have taken away our freedom. We now have to have even our infants documented in order to travel. We have innocent people who because of their race/color/religion have been placed on a no fly list with no recourse. Indeed we are no longer as free as we were before 911. We are still the home of the brave but are we still the land of the free?
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How vulnerable we really are. How Americans are able to come together in a time of crisis. How hundreds are willing to sacrifice for another. How incredible our resolve is. The survivors and victims and their families. How blessed we are as a nation to be free. The list, FOR ME, goes on and on.

These are things I never want to forget.

It was by grace that I was saved,

Well said. I think too many people in this country take all that it has to offer, and used to offer, for granted. Every great civilization the world has ever known fell apart from within. We remember events like 9/11 to stay vigilant against those who would tear down our constitution and our American ideals and values.
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I don’t want to get into the political, philosophical or religious conversations that can come from this. But, I’m disappointed in myself that, during a hectic and busy day, I did not send some free pies to our FD and PD to say “thank you” on a day that has become a monument for those who choose a profession/life of defending my life, safety and freedom.
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