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?_Lehmann: Bubbly dough


New member
Hi Tom, I have been trying to figure out whats making my dough so bubbly. I know that most bubble problems are caused by under proofed dough or over proofed dough, this does not seem to be the case for my situation.
I use
50lb Mondoko flour
53% cold water
2% salt
1.5% sugar
2% olive oil
.375% SAF instant yeast
I mix for 2 min than add the oil, than mix for 8min
after this i hand roll and cross stack, put in the walk in for about an hour, than seal for 3 days and use.
does anything seem wrong with this. Thanks for your help
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could be that the dough isn’t docked thoroughly or that there is air caught under the crust when you put the dough on the pan.
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You didn’t mention anything about the temp of the dough. You should take it out of the cooler an hour before use, and make sure it is at room temp. Throwing cold or underproofed dough in the oven is a sure way of getting a bubbles edge.

On a side note, as a kid that was my favorite part of the pizza though.
Are you allowing the dough balls to warm up sufficiently (e.g., 1 to 2 hours) before shaping and stretching?
is there actually any merit to this allowing the dough to come up to room tempt before stretching? Where I work we stretch right out of the cooler
sauce, cheese, and into the deck oven. Very little objectionable crust bubbling. Is there some other attribute that causes this? perhaps the way or lenth of time its kneaded or some other factor? I have a hard time buying into the theory?
is there actually any merit to this allowing the dough to come up to room tempt before stretching? Where I work we stretch right out of the cooler
sauce, cheese, and into the deck oven. Very little objectionable crust bubbling. Is there some other attribute that causes this? perhaps the way or lenth of time its kneaded or some other factor? I have a hard time buying into the theory?
I can tell you that cold dough and ingredients is a sure way to drag oven temps down, especially in decks. Oven has to spend energy heating back up the spot you dropped on rather than cooking the pizza . . . my decks fight that same fight when we drop cold pies in. Fill it up on a Friday night, and the pizzas almost stopp cooking for 10 minutes (exaggeration).

Bubble sor no, you are draining your oven of efficiency putting cooler temp food into the deck.
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The only thing that “jumps out at me” is the cold water. I normally look for a water temperature of something in the 65 to 75F range which should give a finished dough temperature of 80 to 85F. Chech you finished dough temperature at the end of mixing to see if it is within this range.
Now, with that said, this will give you a dough that is ready to go aftes 12 to 18 hours in the cooler and will last about 3 days in the cooler. If you’re wanting to hold the dough for 3 days in the cooler before using it, you might burn the dough out using this finished dough temperature (this would explain the cold water). OK, so maybe we don’t have a problem with dough temperature at all, the other great creator of bubbles is cold dough going into the oven. Do you let your dough balls temper AT room temperature for about 90 minutes before you begin shaping the dough into skins? Failure to do this would certainly explain bubbling of the dough. If you allow the dough to set at room temperature for 60 to 90 minutes (experiment to see what time works best for you) before beginning to shape it, you can leave the dough at room temperature while you’re using it (just be sure to keep it covered) for up to 3 additional hours.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
If you allow the dough to set at room temperature for 60 to 90 minutes (experiment to see what time works best for you) before beginning to shape it, you can leave the dough at room temperature while you’re using it (just be sure to keep it covered) for up to 3 additional hours.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Tom, can I go back into the cooler with this tempered dough after an hour or two? Can I expect it to survive to the next day? Two days more? Just thinking about my dough management. We use Rich’s frozen balls, and management is more tempermental than with shop made. I believe the yeast levels are higher, and it definitely overferments or blows out quicker than you guys discuss here with your dough.
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No, you really can’t put the tempered dough back into the cooler as dough balls, but you can go ahead and open it up into dough skins and put them on screens and then put them back into the cooler and they will be just fin fo rthe day, and could even make it into the next day. The reason why you can make it work if you open the dough up into skins is because the skins will cool down much faster and thoroughly than the dough balls will. I’ve found that it takes about an hour for the skins to stabilize in the cooler, they can then be covered to prevent drying. I like to put the skins on a wire tree rack in the cooler, and when the entire rack has thoroughly cooled, I will slip a plastic bag over the entire rack to protect it. You’re right about frozen dough bying a bit on the touchy side. The stuff has a healthy shot of yeast, and it also contains dough strengtheners such as ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, and possibly even some potassium bromate. These are not the additives that we would normally use in pizza production, but they are instead added to help extend the shelf life of the frozen dough. I’ve been looking at frozen dough lately and I’ve found that with many brands, we can get some pretty good performance by slacking the dough out (thawing) in the cooler (recommended procedure) but then before we use the doughwe allow it to remain in the cooler for an additional day. This procedure seems to improve the flavor of the finished crust quite a bit.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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thanks for the advice, I have been pulling the dough out and using it directly, I will let you know what happens when I pull it out an hour early. Thanks again
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Tom Lehmann:
I’ve been looking at frozen dough lately and I’ve found that with many brands, we can get some pretty good performance by slacking the dough out (thawing) in the cooler (recommended procedure) but then before we use the doughwe allow it to remain in the cooler for an additional day. This procedure seems to improve the flavor of the finished crust quite a bit.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
You are exactly right about the extra day. The ones that we have used in the past that are used day after pulled from freezer are just fine . . . but that extra day after slacking out is where the crust is soooo much more manageable and more full flavored. there are times when we’ve had to drop a tray full into the warming cabinet for 45 to 60 minutes at 100F to 120F to thaw . . . . and then use right away. they work and perform just fine, like the ones slacked overnight and used. BUT, once speed thawed, it is use or lose. No storing until next day because the dough blows right out and is useable only for stromboli or fried dough.
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Nick, if you need to speed thaw and don’t use all of th edough in a timely manner, you can open or partially open the dough into skins and then put it back into the cooler with good success. Try it sometime. Then, when you begin getting slammed, bring them out of the cooler and allow to warm at room temperature for about 30 minutes or so and finish shaping if necessary, then use as a regular dough skin. Ain’t no way I’m gonna toss out any of the frozen stuff, its just to expensive. You can also make it into breadsticks or garlic knots that you can par-bake now, and reheat later.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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