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?_Lehmann: different taste

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Hi, my name is Shane Bireley and I manage a pizza kitchen in Metro Detroit. Recently we opened up a new carry-out and delivery store a few miles away. My problem is the dough at the new store isn’t as flaverful after being cooked as the old store. The recipe and ovens are the same at both stores. We have tried everything we could think of to match the taste and nothing is working. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
                                                            Shane Bireley
                                                        Green Lantern Pizza
                                                    [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Before the doctor answers, my guess is its the difference in water.

I notice you mention the second store is a delco. I assume your comparing the pizzas after equal time in a boxes, and not comparing the dining room version at store #1 to the carryout version at #2.

good luck…the doctor will see you now.
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most likely it’s the water, if you are using the same recepie. Water will affect the taste quite a lot.
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Dough management techniques will also effect differences in taste, like having an overnight ot two day chilled fermentation versus using dough the same day as it is kneaded.
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Dough management techniques will also effect differences in taste, like having an overnight ot two day chilled fermentation versus using dough the same day as it is kneaded.
That occurred to me also. If my Dough Doctor education is progressing, I should ask Shane if he’s sure the finished dough temp is about 85 degrees at both locations. I could easily see the delco, being a smaller unit and thereby easier to cool, might run a cooler interior temp, and not giving the dough enough time to ferment and reach the proper temp.

maybe someday i can be Nurse Napoli.
Nick, you’re reading my mind.
Shane, I’m going to make a leap of faith and assume you are handling/managing the dough the same at both locations, and you are evaluating the finished pizzas in a comparable light (not just baked V/S boxed for 15-minutes). The most common cause of variations such as this is due to temperature of the dough. You might be using the same dough water temperature, but the room temperature is different between the two stores, so you end up with a different finished dough temperature.
Check the finished dough temperature to determine if it is indeed the same at both stores. Also, be sure to check the cooler temperature, and where the dough is placed in the cooler. Visually compare the dough made at both locations on the day after making the dough. Are they both about the same size? If not, there could be a difference in the coolers. It is not unusual to find a new cooler operating more efficiently, or if the new store has a smaller cooler, it might has a different airflow pattern than your main store’s cooler. This would necessitate finding a place in the new stores cooler that more closely approximates the main store’s cooler characteristics. Do you have plastic strip curtains on the doors of both coolers? These are the things I would look at right up front. Let us know what you find.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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