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What do you think about Lemmy’s Pizzaria (they spelled Pizzeria wrong) on Ft. Riley Blvd.? Good spot? Bad spot? That place has gone through 2 restaurants in the last year.

Also, I’m thinking about taking your advice and going in over by 4 Olives. The tobacco shop moved out (next to Subway). There’s also another place open across the street by the gas station. Your thoughts…


P.S. You still haven’t come by my store in J.C. tisk tisk.
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It’s a great location with good traffic and easy in and out. Cox brothers had the wrong type of BBQ (dry) for the area. Just look at how wel Famous Daves BBQ is doing just down the road. F.D. BBQ is a wet BBQ. Then, further east on Hwy. 24 out by the Ford dealer we used to have Corky’s BBQ (wet) it was a real hit but was destroyed in the '93 flood and never went back into business. I think the location has a lot going for it if the lease isn’t one of those that could equals our National debt. The only problem in the corner by 4-Olives is that you are almost out of sight, but places like 4-Olives, Subway, and Bowinkles does bring in a lot of traffic. Years ago, Valentino’s did very well for a good number of years in that area. As you know, most people just head right on over to the east side of the shopping center where they go to the stores behind Alco and along Seth Child Rd.
I don;t know why they can’t open up the area to the south on 4-Olives with more stores, that way the east and west side of the shopping center would be similar, though not nearly as large on the west side.
You had mentioned space available across the street, I haven’t taken a look, but I’m trying to envision just where you mean. One of the stores up on Anderson Ave?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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It’s directly across the street from Ray’s Apple Market. There’s a gas station sharing the same building (I think Shop Quick). Next door is the car dealer. This place was a liquor store.

I will tell you this, though… my ultimate location will be Westloop shopping center. I’m in the process of finding out now if Ceasar’s has a “no compete” clause in their lease. If not, that’s my spot. These others I’m asking you about are backups. I just refuse to go into Manhattan and not be in an “A” location. I firmly believe if I’ve got the right location that store will excel.

Let me know what you think,

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That liquor store is pretty small, long and narrow, so I’m not too sure how well it would work out. In Westloop the True Value is in the process of moving out and there might be a possibility that the space, which is quite large, will be subdivided. Also, the tool rental area (north end) is a free standing part of the soon to be vacated store and that could make a pretty decent location if the space is sufficient. There are some new opportunities in Westloop and this might be a good time to check them out.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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