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We are looking for a dough recipe similar to Pizano’s in Chicago. They have a thin buttery crust that is delicious and would like to experiment to see if we could make something like it. Any suggestions?

do you have thin dough now? does it use shortening or oil? if so replace that with butter.
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In Chicago, table grade margaringe is commonly used to get that buttery flavor. When I lived there it was Blue Bonnet margaring that I saw used most frequently, but any good, butter flavored margaring wil work. As for a dough formula and procedure, please take a look in the RECIPE BANK for my Chicago Style Pizza Dough. I’ve got one in there for both the thin and thick crusts. A word of warning; You must be prepared to bake these pizzas long and slow to get that characteristic. Thin crust pizzas will bake for upwards of 35 to 40 minutes and thin crust pizzas wil bake for 20 to 25 minutes at temperatures on 425 to 450F in a deck oven or like they use in Chicago, a “reel” type oven with 6 to 12 shelves. That’s the only way you can get any production capacity with those long baking times. Now you know why you have to wait so long for your pizza in Chicago.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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