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when did pizza first come to the united states. My husband who is turning 60 next week said the first time he had pizza he was 17 years old. i find it hard to believe it has only been around the here for 43 years
Italian immigrants brought pizza to America. Gennaro Lombardi made the first pizza In the US , when he opened the first pizzeria in New York City , in 1905. The restaurant was named Lombardi’s Pizzeria Napoletana, located at 53-1/2 Spring Street in New York City.
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I guess you would have to figure out when the very first Italians came to these shores to answer this question. But rest assured, I’m 63 years ols, and pizza was alive and very popular when I was but a youngster. No, it didn’t enjoy the popularity that it does today, and it wasn’t even considered a meal entree, instead, it was considered to be more of a snack item. Dinner at 5:00 p.m. and pizza at 8:00 p.m. It looks like your husband loses this one.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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[email protected]:
when did pizza first come to the united states. My husband who is turning 60 next week said the first time he had pizza he was 17 years old. i find it hard to believe it has only been around the here for 43 years
the replies and the question seem different:

1st commercial pizza in US was attributed to Lombardi 1905

That doesn’t mean that your husband had to have had pizza prior to being 17 years old. Location, family income level as well as dining habits all could make it quite possible that he never had a pie before 1964. Delivery pizza was getting really hip and mod by then.
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