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Flour 100%, Sugar 3.25%, Salt 1.45%, Granulated garlic 0.75%, ADY 0.31%, Water 48.5%, Oil 10%
Dear Mr. Lehmann
How can we prevent having big blisters on the edges of our crust? Is there anyting that we can do to ameliorate our crust characteristic?
We make a greek style pan pizza. We bake in a lincoln impigner 3 high oven (I believe it’s the 1600 series) in a 1" height pan.
Here’s a breif description of how we make our dough:
Add sugar+satl+garlic+oil in the mixer bowl
Add ADY to the water in a bucket and mix
Add yeast water to the other ingredients in the mixer bowl
Mix all ingredients well than add four to it
P.S. we take Room temp+Flour Temp- 212 F in order to get our water temp.
We mix for 14 minutes on low speed
Dough temp varies between 85 F and 90 F after mixing
we let the dough rest outside for about 20 to 30 minutes
we cut and form the dough into balls, then put on aluminum trays
we put those trays in the cooler without any covering for about 15 to 20 minutes @ 41 F(cooler temp)
Last we cover each dough tray with plastic bags
we use this dough the following day
Proofing in the pans:
We use a sheeter to open the dough
we proof in the pans for about 6 to 7 hours @ room temperature of 67 F
Then we put proofed dough in the cooler
Then we bake in our lincoln impinger oven @ 495 F for 6:25 minutes
Now, my question is: Should we still use the leftover proofed dough that were left in the cooler the following day, or not? Cause that 's when the blistering on the crust occurs.
Could u also tell me what are the crust characteristics of a good pan style pizza?

Finally, i would like to thank you in advance of your help. Sorry about my long essay/question.


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Hi Rob, I am not Tom, and hardly an expert.

But any pizzeria I’ve worked in with daily made pan dough tosses their unused pan dough because of the problems you tend to have when the dough over proofs.

I’m tending to think being you said this is when your pies have the undesireable result, that this is probably your culprit…over-proofed dough…but I could be wrong.

I’ll be curious as to Tom’s reply as well.

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your salt % is low
i think your finishing the mixing on a high temp , and not allowing the dough to cool to cooler temp before covering it (give it an hour and half) ,also you are leting your dough out for 6 hours all these factors making your dough over ferment . and i THINK that is what causing the bubbles
but as allways Tom will have the best answer
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Just a few little things first.
Be sure you are using 100 to 105F water temperature to hydrate the ADY in. The amount of water needed to hydrate the yeast is about 5 times the weight of the yeast.
I would suggest adding the flour to the bowl before adding the hydrated yeast suspension as this will help to ensure the yeast, salt, and sugar don’r come into direct contact with each other. The fact that your dough is getting so much fermentation I think, would preclude use of left over dough in the cooler on the second day.
As for the bubbling of the edge, I didn’t see where you allowed the dough skin/proofed dough to temper at room temperature for any length of time prior to being baked. Cold dough will almost always exhibit a tendency to bubble/blister during baking if not allowed to temper at room temperature for an hour or so before baking. This is where I would begin looking for a solution.
As for the characteristics of a good, pan style pizza crust. In my personal opinion, it should be crispy on the outside, soft and very tender eating on the inside, with a whole lotta flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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