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Hi, I am franko, new to baking but i think i am falling in love with the a pizza pie. Anyway for my studies in pizza101 i got a bakers pride p22 bricklined to start right. So far i have used KASL, Alltrump, and Caputos flour. I mix 30 oz. flour, 16 oz water, 2 oz olive oil, 1/2 oz. salt, 1/2 oz. sugar and 1/2 oz. SAF yeast. After mixing I divide for balls, and make ball and put into plastic type bag, used to put immediatly into fridge but wait 45 or so min. and then refridgerate at least 24 hrs. It gets bubbles. What would be a proper procedure? I am thinking of a shop later so I am interested in proffessional shop procedures. Is doe boxes better? N.Y. style is my preferance. I have read many of your posts and I respect and appraciate your proffessional answers. Also is there any good info or books to understand bakers percentages for pizza ??
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From a baker’s percent standpoint, your dough formulation looks like this:

100%, Flour, 30 oz.
53.3%, Water, 16 oz.
6.67%, Olive oil, 2 oz.
1.67%, Salt, 0.5 oz.
1.67%, Sugar, 0.5 oz.
1.67%, Yeast (SAF), 0.5 oz.

The baker’s percents for the water, olive oil, salt, sugar and yeast are determined by dividing their respective weights by the weight of the flour. So, for example, for water, the baker’s percent is calculated by dividing its weight, 16 oz., by 30 oz., the weight of the flour (16/30 = 53.3%). For the olive oil, 2/30 = 6.67%. And so on for the rest of the ingredients.

Since you directed your question to Tom Lehmann, I will leave to him to respond to your dough formulation in terms of its adequacy for the NY style, and to recommend reading sources on baker’s percents.
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If you go to the RECIPE BANK you wil lfind a couple of my dough formulas posted in there along with a complete dough management procedure that is essentially “bullet proof”. Part of the trick to effective dough management is to have the finished (mixed) dough temperature in the range of 80 to 85F, which means that with normal shop conditions, you wil need to use about 60 to 65F water when making your dough. Since you are using SAF, IDY yeast, be sure to add it dry, directly to the flour, don’t put it into the water. Also, don’t add the oil until you have mixed the dough for about 2-minutes at low speed. This will result in much better flour hydration and gluten formation. Then. IMMEDIATELY after mixing, take the dough to the bance for scaling and balling. If using plastic bags, lightly oil the dough balls with salad oil and place into a bag, twist the open end of the bag once or twice, and tuck the end under the dough ball, this will allow for some expansion during the time in the cooler. Take the dough to the cooler as quickly as possible after bagging it. Dough boxes will be much more efficient and economical for use in the store. I’ve writtern a number of articles on baker’s percent that you can access through the archives.
We also offer an excellent pizza course that is perfect for someone in your position. This is our Practical Pizza Production Course, which will be given here in Manhattan, Kansas during the period of October 20 through 24. In this course, we cover everything you wil need to know about dough, sauce and pizza production, you wil have an opportunity to woyk with deck, air impingement, and infrared ovens, make thin, thick, stuffed, and cheese in the crust type pizzas. To get more information on this course. please go to our web site at <>.
I would also highly encourage you to plan to attend one of the pizza shows planned for this year yet if you have not already attended one yet. These shows are a valuable source of supplier information and contacts.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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