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A marketing tactic that worked well for me


New member
I am sure a lot of people have already done / discussed this but in case not, I figured I would share it because it worked very well for me.

We have two high schools in our area, and two pop warner football teams. Now where I am at Domino’s has a heavy solid on the sports concessions at both high schools and Pop Warner teams ($5/pizza 14" 8 Cut). Every year other places try to get in (I know this because when I ran Papa John’s we did too), but they are quite content with Domino’s, have been with them for years, and the head coaches are familiar with the general managers because of this relationship.

So this year, I contacted the athletic directors at each high school, and the directors for both pop warner teams and made them an offer they couldn’t refuse: I would cater their first local game for free. This only ended up being 50 pizzas between all 4, so it cost me roughly $125. The result? All 4 people called me back to pre order for their next game (at a slightly higher rate of $7/pizza) the pizzas. Furthermore, they said the pizza went over so well that they actually ran out (the latest being one that ran out at the end of the 3rd quarter) so they each upped their orders making a total of 68 pizzas that I will be selling (I did 28 tonight, 25 next Friday for one high school and 15 for the other pop warner team.

Just a suggestion for trying to get in with school events where the competitor has a tight lock on it! I know some people don’t like to deal with discount pizzas, but it’s basically advertising you get paid for.
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This is a very good idea and a tactic similiar to what I use. Consider also emailing all of the principals of the local schools and offering a similiar discount for school staff, pizza parties, and semester awards.
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I also did this when I was opened I contacted the visiting HS football teams, Basketball teams, Band, and any other group visiting that we were here to service there organization when visiting our town got a huge response because they gotta feed those kids

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Great idea, Uncle Nick. I’m the new editor of PMQ, by the way. I’d like to share your idea with our readers. Would you mind if I run this post as a letter to the editor in our October issue? If you’re OK with that, could you email me at [email protected] and give me your name so that I can include it with the letter? Thanks!

Rick Hynum
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Thanks so much for stopping by. I was excited to meet a fellow think tanker!!!. Just a follow up… My emails to the principals caused me to have a 50 pizza order last friday for PTO and this Friday I have an 80 pizza order for the band and some other events!!! We are looking at a record breaker here!!! 😉
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