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A walk down Think Tank memory lane


New member
I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately… I’m coming up on the 10 year anniversary of signing my lease and jumping head first into this business.

So, I decided to go check out the Think Tank of old. It was 10 years ago that I first found the TT and starting reading, and reading, and reading. I went into this business with somebody with pizza experience, but aside from being a delivery driver at one point in college I knew NOTHING about it!

You can stroll down memory lane here: … /index.cgi

It brings back a lot of memories! Plus, you’ll see a few of the usual suspects like “Da314man”, “paul7979”, “Kris”, “chrispizza” and of course Tom Lehmann and Big Dave.

I enjoyed reading my own questions from before and just after I opened. Seriously, I knew NOTHING back then! :lol:

Thanks to all of those listed above that really helped me make my business successful with your posts.

One of my favorites is seeing Dale (Da314man) talk about first getting his Black Book. He says “but my weakness is definitely marketing…now I’m gonna be a guru”.

Here’s a quote from a post by Dale today: “Now just last week in a store that does a million dollars a year already I posted a 49.6% increase in sales vs the same week last year!!!”

Haha 8)
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Congrats on 10 years and alot of success. You have certainly carried on the TT tradition of helping those new to the business. Your experience is obvious in your responses to those just getting their feet wet. Best Wishes!
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Gosh Scott, sorry I left you out of the “usual suspects” list… I read your old posts too. The best was the online brawl with “Steven”. If I hadn’t gone back and checked I would have never remembered that guy! Oh, that guy was some good TT drama.

I also saw posts from Brad Randall and eupher. And, I saw what may have been Otis Gunn’s very first post, asking about setting up a trailer! … /read/9114

Saw a post with Big Dave giving props to Point of Success, whom I believe was VERY new back then.

And Dale, I just found this one: … /read/5416

THAT is hilarious considering you posted today with the exact opposite opinion 🙂 I guess we all live and learn!

Thank goodness for the Internet Archive… the memories are rushing back. When I first found the tank I was a 24 year old single kid working in finance with a girlfriend and considering entering the pizza business. Today I’m a seasoned pizzeria operator, married to that girlfriend, have two kids, less hair and a not-insignificant amount of gray in my beard… and I dare say I’ve become a man in that time. I think I’ve !@#$%^&* near seen it all, but I’m certain the next 10 years will prove me wrong. Experience has a funny way of making you feel like an idiot.

Like Scott, if I could go back and talk to that kid I’d probably tell him to run - I had a !@#$%^&* good career going - but here we are anyway. Even if I could start all over again knowing what I know now, I’d probably take a pass!
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Gosh… that reminds me… it’s the ten year anniversary of the Black Book. How time flies… and how things have changed for the better.

Today’s email, social and mobile offer opportunities that level the playing field like never before.

And congratulations Dale… $1,000,000+ …way to go buddy.
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A lot of water under the bridge. You joined about 9 months before I did. I found the TT entertaining and useful from day one and still do. Hardly a day goes by that I do not check the tank and generally find something to talk about.
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A lot of water under the bridge. You joined about 9 months before I did. I found the TT entertaining and useful from day one and still do. Hardly a day goes by that I do not check the tank and generally find something to talk about.
Click the link up there, it goes WAY back to the original Think Tank in 2003!
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Thank you for sharing this with everyone, Piper!

It’s always great to hear memories from the Think Tank and stories about how businesses have changed over the years. We’re excited that the Tank can serve as a place to keep those memories as an archive for you.

Congratulations, and we wish you many more years of success!

Liz Barrett, PMQ
I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately… I’m coming up on the 10 year anniversary of signing my lease and jumping head first into this business.

So, I decided to go check out the Think Tank of old. It was 10 years ago that I first found the TT and starting reading, and reading, and reading. I went into this business with somebody with pizza experience, but aside from being a delivery driver at one point in college I knew NOTHING about it!

You can stroll down memory lane here: … /index.cgi

It brings back a lot of memories! Plus, you’ll see a few of the usual suspects like “Da314man”, “paul7979”, “Kris”, “chrispizza” and of course Tom Lehmann and Big Dave.

I enjoyed reading my own questions from before and just after I opened. Seriously, I knew NOTHING back then! :lol:

Thanks to all of those listed above that really helped me make my business successful with your posts.

One of my favorites is seeing Dale (Da314man) talk about first getting his Black Book. He says “but my weakness is definitely marketing…now I’m gonna be a guru”.

Here’s a quote from a post by Dale today: “Now just last week in a store that does a million dollars a year already I posted a 49.6% increase in sales vs the same week last year!!!”

Haha 8)
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