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A way you can get scammed by an employee


New member
I would have never thought to do this, so I’m sharing it with you because our store recently fired an assistant manager for doing this.

We have a POS system, and if someone cancels an order, you can cancel it in the POS.

What he would do was look at the system and find the highest order for the day most of the time, and then void it out, and then remove the money from the till and say they had cancelled their order, and pocketed the money.

Of course, it showed up a lot slower through our normal inventory (being mistakes and stuff are voided as food loss) than it did in cash because if the order didn’t exist in the POS, then it wouldn’t make the till short if you took the money.

What got him in the long run was greed…he started doing that to delivery orders being our inside orders have slumped so badly, and when drivers would say ‘yeah, I took this order’, he got busted.

Anyway, a heads up in this desperate economy to maybe make documentation of your voided orders a little more important to your management or those who can void orders in your POS systems.
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I would have never thought to do this, so I’m sharing it with you because our store recently fired an assistant manager for doing this.
Employees have been ripping their employers off with this method forever. Back in the caveman days they would take the stone tablet after the order was completed and chisel off an appetizer!

You’ve been in the pizza business, as an assistant manager, and you never thought employees may have stolen in this fashion? I think your naivety is endearing 😉

Voiding orders is probably one of the most common methods of theft. Any and all voided orders should be closely monitored in any shop, as I’m sure they are by most of the owners here.

By the way, applying discounts or coupons to orders after completion is another very easy way for a manager to rip off a store.
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Maybe you should take this a step further and also look at your detailed voids as well…not only orders that are deleted but also individual items that are deleted. I am sure your POS should have a bunch of audit reports that should be looked at. Obviously, a manger was not doing their job if this was going on for an extended period of time. As Piper mentioned this THE way to get scammed.
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We are still living in the cave man days at our store as we do not use a POS system yet. We did try to set one up a couple summer ago and we used it for a couple weeks but then went back to the old fashion guest check receipts.

Anyways, can the POS keep track of all voided orders? Just because the order is voided it should not be completely lost I would hope. So what you could do as an owner is keep track of how often you the owner void orders. If you void orders at a rate of maybe one every other day or every two days, and your manager voids orders at a rate of one a day I would be a little suspicious. Now once you have that suspicion then what do you do? I suppose you could give some kind of courtesy call to the customer with the “voided” order to confirm your suspicion.
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Most POS systems have a report that outlines the voids, amounts, and which login was used to void the orders. You could customize the report to get only those by a given person in a given shift if you wanted.

Video surveilance would be one tool to catch someone. Interviewing customers, interviewing other employees and looking for patterns would all be useful. I suspect others who have been there done that will be good info here. I work in the kitchen, and wife up front, so pretty hard to get one by us at this point in our business development.
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voids and price change reports are a vital tool. CCTV is a great help as well to see if the pizza’s went out or not.

I had this problem a while ago and picked up on it very quickly when I went through the weeks POS reports. Looked at CCTV and caught them in the act. Called the customer and checked if they had there order. Game over!

Theft is unfortunately always going to happen all you can do is to try and make it as hard a possible and reduce the opportunities.
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Audit reports come with even the most basic systems I would think. We utilize I-buttons instead of punching in passwords and depending on the security level for the employee they can do certain secure tasks and not others. A really awesome feature of our POS system is that it has integrated the video with the POS function so that you can play the clip for that particular transaction in question. Does anybody else have this other than Foodtec Solutions?
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Our POS system (like most, I’m sure) includes the number of and total dollar value of cancelled orders for the night on the Daily Paperwork report.

All cancelled orders, as wel as refunds, manager’s discounts, employee discounts, etc. are required to have a supporting Cash Print ticket with the manager’s initials and a brief description, which is then attached to the Daily Paperwork.

But there are many more ways to scam, this is true.
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I set up to have the daily void details emailed to me every night. They're in my inbox at 10:30pm sharp every night. You can set it up under Edit>Edit Other>Edit Scheduled Reports. Awesome Feature!
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Well, I’m glad, but not glad, this is old news to you seasoned pizza vets.

Of course, I would never even consider stealing, but now I can see why whenever I would have to void an order that they had really gotten almost harsh on having me explain why I did it.

I didn’t realize they had a thief in the pack they were watching for. They never told me and I would never have thought to do what he did.

The only reason I would ever void is someone would be going to pay for their order with cash, and then I’d hit the complete button, only for them to realize they didn’t have cash…so I’d have to void the completed order and then re-ring and use their debit or credit card.

So, I’d write down what I voided, why, and then what new order came of it, being they were getting so nitpicky. haha
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That’s essentially what my crooked “friend” did in high school while working the Arby’s drive-thru. Except instead of voiding them, he’d have the prices of certain items and combinations memorized, so he simply wouldn’t ring them up at all, pocketing the cash $3.21 at a time.

It was easier then, because in those days, the sandwiches were called to the make line by voice instead of showing up on a computer screen, and the drive-thru cash drawer wasn’t hooked up to the POS system at all, so he could still make change.
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