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Additional Oven


New member
After too many years operating with 1 oven to the maximum I have finally convinced my wife to open the purse strings and invest in an additional oven.
We have picked up a good condition Middleby Marshall PS360 top oven to sit on top of our ccurrent MMPS360 lower one.
At this stage we only expect to use both for 5 -6 hours per week on main busy nights (Fri & Sat) but hopefully with faster pick up and delivery times we will grow the business more.
Those who use stack ovens, how many people do you use taking pizzas out on busy nights?
I invisaging 2 people at the end of the oven with one taking them out and with the other both cutting and the other also despatching all,during our peak trade between 5.30pm - 8.30pm on Friday and Saturdays. Is this how you guys do it?
Hopefully we will have the second oven up and running in about 2 - 3 weeks (coming from across the other side of Australia).
Comments / suggested welcome.
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When I was with Papa John’s as a store manager we used two MM360 WB, and on Friday nights when the oven was filled to capacity I had myself on boxing and cutting, and had another person doing the side items and routing. I would recommend having the same person who pulls them from the oven do the cutting to increase efficiency otherwise mistakes will be made (I.e, pulls pepperoni and has cheese box, no communication)

Congrats on the second oven!
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1 person can pull both ovens with a little time under their belt. Start with 2 people and start pulling 1 off here and there. They’ll learn to keep up. I have a triple stack at one of our stores and we have small handful of guys who can pull all 3 ovens by themselves. Not me, I can only do 2.
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