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Adjusting food cost (amount of cheese per pizza)


New member
I am in the process of changing over from portion cups (because our cheese cost if out of whack) to weight per pizza.

at the moment we do approximately
10" - 100g (3.5 oz)
12" - 165g (5.75 oz)
14" - 270g (9.5 oz)

I’m curious how this stacks up to you guys, we do go heavier on cheese than nearly any other pizza place in town and I would like to reduce it. A portion of that cheese about 15% is under the toppings on the sauce to prevent topping slip.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
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We currently put 12 oz on our 16", 9 oz 14", 6 oz on 12" and 4 oz on 10"
We put a little less cheese on pizzas that have a lot of toppings(Specialty)
Example, we put 6 oz on our 14" combo pizza.
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We are less then you, but not by much. Also we always put the cheese over the sauce and under the toppings with the exception of two toppings.
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I am in the process of changing over from portion cups (because our cheese cost if out of whack) to weight per pizza.

at the moment we do approximately
10" - 100g (3.5 oz)
12" - 165g (5.75 oz)
14" - 270g (9.5 oz)

I’m curious how this stacks up to you guys, we do go heavier on cheese than nearly any other pizza place in town and I would like to reduce it. A portion of that cheese about 15% is under the toppings on the sauce to prevent topping slip.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Your numbers are a bit off. Calculate it by the square inch of the pies.
10" = 78 Square inches
12" = 113 SI
14" = 154 SI

find a portion you like on the 12 inch and calculate it from there. So if you like 6 oz on a 12 inch, do 6 divided by 113 = .053 then multiply that number by by the square inches of the other sizes.

10 inch = 78 times .053 = 4.13 ounces (round down to 4)
14 inch = 154 times .053 = 8.16 ( round down to 8 )

We put a lot more cheese on our pizzas. And I think its safe to say that no one in our market puts more than us. I have come to the conclusion that people love cheese and the more you give them the more they love you. We do:

10 inch 5.5 oz
12 inch 8 oz
14 inch 11 oz
16 inch 14.5 oz
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We currently use pre-shredded, but when I have experimented with shredding our own, I find we can get the same coverage with less weight without making a noticeable difference.
We use:
9"- 3oz
12"- 7oz
15" - 10oz
18" - 16oz
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