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Advertising as a percentage of sales


New member
What percentage does everyone here dedicate to advertising? After hitting a few records this fall I am feeling rejuvenated and have come up with an aggresive plan for 2008. I’m just a bit worried that I may be overdoing it.

Also, what all do you include in advertising? Do you include all take out menus and boxtoppers? Magnets? Car signs? Promotional pizzas?
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“paul7979” said:
What percentage does everyone here dedicate to advertising? After hitting a few records this fall I am feeling rejuvenated and have come up with an aggresive plan for 2008. I’m just a bit worried that I may be overdoing it.

Also, what all do you include in advertising? Do you include all take out menus and boxtoppers? Magnets? Car signs? Promotional pizzas?[/quote

I try to keep it around 5% of net sales…that would include mailers.boxtoppers………it ebbs and flows but remains at around 5%…

last week I mailed 3,510 4 -color flyers…$719.55 net sales were
$16,400 4.38% add in 25% for my .com advertising and my total for the week…was $800/16,400 make it a 4.87% pace…

as sales rise my percentage stays the same…

of course this is my preference…and not the last word…I am
spending more money starting late november…my percentage will jump for a few weeks but then fall to around 5% AS MY SALES will increase

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I’ve always been told to aim around 5% of sale BUT to base this on the sales you want to achieve NOT current sales.
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As a franchisee, 3% of our sales is taken out for National/Regional advertising and then at the store level we are expect to do another 3%-4% of local advertising.
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