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All these years and all these posts.....


New member
I happened to look in the upper right corner this AM and noticed that I was approaching 3000 posts…

So I thought I would use my 3000th post to thank my fellow TTers. I have certainly learned a lot from many of you… Thank you for constructive ways to look at customer service, cost saving ideas, sources for things like bags and magnets, business measurements and of course for having a place to vent or celebrate.

Thanks in particular to (not in any order and certainly not a complete list!) Tom L, Daddio, 314, P Pirate, Royster, Patriot P, George M, Piper, Paul7979 and Nick. There are so many more…

Thanks as well to PMQ for providing the forum.

Best to all of you in the new year!
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Hi Steve:

Thanks for your post and for mentioning me…A couple more the come to mind are wa dave & j_rOkk…I thought j_rOkk had way more than 922 posts because he certainly left an impression with me…And even though he has not posted for a couple years, his knowledge lives on in the archives for those that take the time to go back in time…

And individual persons experience will be all their own, however, they have a problem or a good idea it is so nice to be able to bounce it off a group with such a diverse range of experiences…

I also appreciate and thank PMQ for Think Tank…
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I do love how active you are in helping the newbie and the old dog. The Think Tank is exactly for that, people helping people through their own experiences and knowledge. Seriously Thank You! You helped me through a few things when we first “met” on here a few years back - man how time flies.

I wonder what my total posts would be had my original ID not gotten tossed out when the site updated in 2006? I know at the time of the switch the only one with more posts than me was Tom “The Dough Doctor”. Anyway - I love that many of the old dogs who were newbies with me back in 2001 are still around and more join our community each day.
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