am i the only one who can not find help these days??


New member
I post ads on craigslist and get 2 replies!! even if I give store phone, still no one calls… im in Massachusetts. whats the next step to get applicants? should I promise sign up bonus? post help wanted (it is posted on front)? go to local recreation dept and see if any kids need more hours (I did)? ask current employees (I did!)? im just short of walking into close by grocery store and asking register person if they need more hours elsewhere (I didn’t do this yet, but thinking about it)… what can I do to get help these days? Im promising pay well above min wages, full time or part time, pretty much a schedule of their choice, …what else can I do?
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Nope! Welcome to the future IMO. Keeping it simple will be your best bet, as the more bodies needed, the more chance of failure & poorer service. Have I given up hope with today’s labor pool?..pretty much!

We’re dealing with “Gen Y’s” offspring now…good luck! 😦
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It has been a near crisis for us for nearly a year.

What I’ve noticed the past couple of months is that it is becoming a crisis for many, many others too.
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We just had a hiring event after not getting any real hits on Craigslist (also two replies and then no shows for interviews).

We hired 7 of 11 people from the event. The hiring event was about 3 weeks ago and we currently still have 4 of the hires. Two drivers have quit in the past week, they get minimum wage, a dollar per delivery and their tips. Typically the day light driver is pulling in $600 a week in just tips yet they still quit. They either don’t want to work or feel as though they should be able to just work whenever they want. I blame some of this on third party delivery services

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We ran an ad on and got a whole bunch of applications. It’s well worth a $20 ad to see if it brings you the same results it did for us.
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Yup. It is only you.

haha not.

We have had some luck with box toppers. We print a help wanted flyer (3 per 8.5X11 page cut in 3) and send them out on all the boxes.

We have also had a lot of luck with targeted, promoted FB help wanted posts. I use the age feature to target the post to the age bracket I want to reach and geographic limit to commuting distance for this kind of job, include a picture of pizza or simply our logo and describe the job. It costs more than craigslist but it puts the job in front of people who are not actually searching who might tell their friends.

If I want phone people I target ages 16-22. For cooks 18-30, for drivers 20-40.
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Some good suggestions here. Most all our clients nation wide have that problem.

We have had several remodel jobs that we redesigned to lower the number of workers to do the job. perhaps we could you.

George Mills [email protected]
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We ran an ad on and got a whole bunch of applications. It’s well worth a $20 ad to see if it brings you the same results it did for us.
The vast majority of our applications come to us through now, 515 of 942 applications since we started using a web-based application system. Employee referrals (80), Craigslist (71) and our own “Careers” tab on our website (65) are the next big 3 for us.

Online job searching is the way people find jobs in this day and age it seems.
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We switched to an online applicant tracking system about a year ago and it has helped a lot. We get about 20 to 30 applications a week where we used go get only a couple. We use pre-screening questions which helps weed out bad fits. We currently have a waiting list of people who want to get in. We don’t advertise but we do put a link on our website.
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Almost all of our new hires are friends or relatives of current or former employees. When I get a good employee, I always ask if they have any friends or family looking for a job. I’ve found that when a new hire is referred by a current employee, they feel accountable to that person to do a good job and the person that recommended them feels accountable to make sure they do a good job. Also, most simply enjoy working with their friends, so to me it’s a win all the way around.
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What are you using?
We use Snagajob. They will try to sell you a full package of a couple hundred $ a month but they do have ones for much less if you require less services.

We do application tracking. Attitude testing i9, w4 and all new hire documents are signed on line. We pay about $35 a month per location.

We don’t do any advertising for applicants.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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It gets even worse if you are trying to hire for a well paying tech job! I REFUSE to hire new grads. I post an ad for an experienced programmer (starting $85K). One person shows up unshaven, in a grubby T-Shirt with a slogan on it that would get me banned here if I repeated it, shredded jeans about a foot longer than his legs, so he is walking on the legs (shuffling on the legs). He is brought to my office door, looks at me, nods his head and goes “Yo!”.
My response was “Get the fxxx out of here!”. He seemed really confused. When I told him I would not interview him because he came to an interview dressed like a bum, he told me he was glad because “I would never work someplace that wants me to conform to anything”.
I weep for the future.
P.S. Hire vets! They show up on time, they work hard, they can think for themselves, they do not melt if you look at them sideways.
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We were having trouble getting applications in this fall. My hiring manager pointed out to me that our Indeed postings were way back on like page 17 for our area. I decided to get super aggressive and pay for better placement (about $250/week at the moment) after talking with the marketing rep. Now the posting are usually towards the top of the first page for most relevant searches. Just yesterday alone we received more apps than we’d gotten in the past month.

I’ll back off on the amount we’re spending once we get staffed back up, but we’ll likely have to keep “paying to play” going forward.
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We were having trouble getting applications in this fall. My hiring manager pointed out to me that our Indeed postings were way back on like page 17 for our area. I decided to get super aggressive and pay for better placement (about $250/week at the moment) after talking with the marketing rep. Now the posting are usually towards the top of the first page for most relevant searches. Just yesterday alone we received more apps than we’d gotten in the past month.

I’ll back off on the amount we’re spending once we get staffed back up, but we’ll likely have to keep “paying to play” going forward.
I had to do the same recently
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I feel like everyone we get from online doesn’t stick around for too long. They always seem to be on the hunt for the next job. That being said, a lot of the 16-22 y/o that we have now are the best that I’ve seen in a while. I’m optimistic about this group. To me, the younger people seem to value flexibility over more money. I try to meet them in the middle and let them have some say in their schedule creating, with in reason. They are also really excited to try new things; whereas the 25-30 y/o don’t want to be challenged too much (i’m generalizing). Overall, I think this generation of 16-22 y/o is streets ahead of the previous one. That being said, I’m having a harder time finding people to fill the tougher managing positions that require a lot more time and responsibility (and don’t allow as much flexibility).
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“they don’t melt if you look sideways” Truest thing I have heard in a while. Any kind of criticism to so many people now results in quitting or just turning into a ball of mush. Oh yeah, we also have a hard time finding people. Everywhere you go three are help wanted signs but nobody can find jobs!
I even got a 1 star review on our facebook page… becasue of bad food… nope. Because I posted an assistant manager job and some person from 100 miles away thought the wage was too low, 1 starred me and then gave a nice little rant. Reported top facebook and apparently they must think the wage was too low as well becasue the review is still there 🙂
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Hi everyone, first post here. Been in the restaurant biz in the late 80’s to 90’s in Midtown Manhattan, 2 extremely successful independent places. In other businesses since. Non food related. In eastern Montana, then Twin Cities (Mpls/St Paul) and another Midwest state. Wife just lost $400k family money with 3 partners in a beautiful place because of help as well.

It is the new world versus the old, IMO. Internet and the metro versus the rural, or big city versus the smaller thing going on. Values, outlook, communication, access to instant everything, so on and so forth. Rural or small town younger employees so involved and interfaced with their phones and computers think they are living in a different city with a different than theirs, criteria, etc. And those in a large metro area a little different, influenced by their on line friends and challenges as well as their dreaming, all IMO and experience.

As well, the chains, franchises, and larger operators have to have larger amounts of help. Pay more and more perks the majority of the times in lots of places as compared to the mom and pop or solo operator. Everything from larger C-Store operators, to fast food to companies. While both types of businesses have pros and cons for their employees, if the employee is a GED or high school grad and immediately enters a self supporting lifestyle, he has more of a chance with a smaller operator to learn and really get something going rather than the bigger corporate types that will generally add to his/her frustration within the workforce and reality of making a living rather than building a comfortable future.

I think it is more of a societal problem than anything else. But regardless, all businesses have to handle it. Currently I am in the hazardous material clean up and emergency response business for trucking companies and railroads. We have had an extreme employee problem for the total 5 years I have been partners in this. For example, we need CDL drivers for our heavy equipment and they all have to double as equipment operators and emergency site workers. We have been paying $20 to $28 per hour for straight 40 hours and recently well over $30 per hour. Most of the guys make about $2,000.00 a week, and I dont think anyone of them have 4 years of college. Yes, they can run a skid loader, back hoe, excavation equipment, dump trucks, and other equipment. And we have lots of set up time, down time, site time waiting around. It is not a continuous back breaking job by any means, such as construction company work, road construction, etc. Frequently our days involve 3 to 4 hours of actual site work with the rest waiting on state environmental officials, lab people, EPA officials, fire marshals, etc., to clear the site, check things, sign off on things to go to next phase, etc.

The last couple of years the guys under 30 have all challenged us, everyone of them. No matter what we do, it is not good enough. 2 of my top guys were at $33 and $36 per hour straight time, double overtime, and 50% health insurance paid, etc. Both want more pay and less work. One lost his CDL and only has a regular drivers license, we make do. Advertise and advertise. No good! Attitudes and demeanor’s are deteriorating big time! My partner fires them, I hire them back. We need over 10 guys on schedule. Lucky if we have 5 qualified ones. My best guy was 20 years old. Was able to run everything, no problem. Only thing was, he worked liked he owned the company, fast, careless, stops working to make phone calls and text, etc., etc. Pre 2005 I would have fired him in a heart beat and replace with 3 guys better qualified and harder working types. Now, cannot do.

I had a gas station C-store with a tractor trailer garage and heavy wrecker business with a small haz mat business from 2002 to 2013 in eastern Montana as well. Sold it in 2013. Was a gold mine! Help super hard to get with the Bakken oil field expansion and development there. All my $18 to $25 an hour people then, went to the oil field for $40 hour plus. Now I heard it is all scaled back, crashing and of course the XL pipeline is in and huge work force cuts. No one wanted to buy my business, I had to sell all the equipment and auction everything off, LOL.

My wife went in partners with 3 other friends and family members and re-opened a closed Asian restaurant in the Twin Cities. Less than one year closed it, lost $400k, huge reason was no help, bodies yes, but they do nothing, stand there and really don’t want to work, be creative, do things the right way, put any energy into it, and so many steal if no owner or manager is standing over their shoulder all the time. Had a great customer trade built up. She locked the doors and rents a part time commercial kitchen and herself and one cook and one other person does take out delivery only. She now makes more money than the restaurant where she employed people that supported their families, supported vendors, landlord, city taxes, etc., etc., F the merry go round that makes the business world I guess??? But it is all a reality we have to all face with the internet.

I am dissolving my partnership in the current business I am in. I purchased a restaurant in the Midwest in a small town, not much competition, a huge federal facility a mile away opening that will employ over 2,500 workers, etc. I have a gambling license for machines and an alcohol license for the location. Nice bar area/counter, pool table, some games for the kids and adults, a great outdoor patio and putting in a few sections with outdoor couches, seating and fireplaces and cooking at the table, think Korean style BBQ but with a twist. Everything brand new. I am putting in a Cajun/Asian and Italian stuff and lots of infusion special recipes, and that mom and pop specialty pizza made with love!! Yes, I am from NYC so I still know about food and pizza!

But yes, employees make or break you in every-way. I think the problem is more complex than most of us realize. Probably worse in larger metro areas than smaller populations based towns, IDK. But the ones I am familiar with, that statement is true.
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