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Announcing the Think Tank Reunion 2014 in Las Vegas


Staff member
Think Tank Reunion 2014
Las Vegas Convention Center
Tuesday March 25th, 6:30pm-8:00pm (right after the Beer and Bull session)
Room N243
Open to registered Think Tank users and one friend
Your first drink is on us, snacks will be available.

This is where I will do the T-Shirt exchange for those who are in on that. (See my other post)

Let us know if you are planning on attending so we can get an idea of the numbers.
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While we work on a proper RSVP event page, you may RSVP in this thread. Really trying to get a headcount.
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My wife and I will be there. I’d love to take part of the t-shirt exchnge but we’re trying to keep to carry on baggage and wont have room for extras.
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Dinner reservation at 8 so I will only have short time to check in…shirt exchange…pound a brew…lol
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Great! We’re getting a nice group together. I have already added those who have confirmed on this thread to the RSVP list. From here on out please go to the following link and click “Yes” if you are coming.

All users MUST RSVP by Monday the 24th*

We will have a list at the door of those registered users who are confirmed for the Reunion. If you know someone who might like to join and who’s going to Pizza Expo, encourage them to register in the Think Tank and RSVP yes!
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Also, it might be nice for those attending to put up avatars, at least of their logo. Just sayin’ 😉
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Sure would be fun to attend the exposition as well a meet fellow think tank’ers, but alas, I cannot afford it. One thing that would have been really nice was if the PMQ staffers would have pointed me to one of their sponsors,, when I was asking last month for where to go for business insurance…

Anyway, I hope you all have a fun time at the Expo… maybe next year for us 🙂
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Looking forward to meeting all of you in person. Can finally put a face to some of the great posters in the Tank. See you there!
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Would love to do this one of these days but Spring Break is high season around here and not easy to be out of town away from our two businesses. Hoist one for me!
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Pizza Expo is always a blast. I was planning on going this year for a day or two, plus it would give me a reason to go have dinner at Bouchon… but my plans got rustled last week by my kids’ schedules. Have fun!
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Tell your Think Tank friends you want to buy them a free drink at the Expo! We want to see as many of you as we can. Its gonna be 80 degrees in Vegas on this day, where else would you rather be?
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We will post a live feed from the Reunion on We will try to get as many Tankers to give shout outs to the unlucky ones who could not get away to join us. tune in Tuesday March 25th, 6:30-8pm PST.
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I am sorry to say that due to technical difficulties, wee will not be able to stream the reunion. We will however post pictures. Link to follow. Thanks Tankers.
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