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Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 weeks


New member
Good afternoon TT members - I have another incredible success story that I wanted to share with you, check it out…

I just received an email from my new friend over at Poppa’s Pizza and I had to share this story with you. The owner (Jim) runs an independent pizza shop in Ohio in a town of only 5,000 people.

Until we met, sales were typically in the $2,000 - $3,000 weekly range.

Jim told me "With sales like this, I’m getting hammered financially. We need more business and not just on weekends."

When he called me two months ago he knew it was time to make a move. He said he needed to generate cash to stabilize the business and he needed to do it quickly.

“I can help you generate the cash you need, but you are going to have to set aside a budget for this,” I said to him. “Would you spend a few thousand dollars to become the “Go-To-Spot” for pizza in your town?”

“As long as it makes more money than it costs, I’ll do whatever it takes.” I could hear the concern in his voice but I knew that his direct mail campaign would be a smash hit.

“With that attitude you’re going to do very well. Let me show you how.”

We spent several days mapping out an intricate “Menu Mailer” advertising campaign so that only the important neighborhoods and businesses within his area were targeted.

“Jim, in a couple of weeks every business and household is going to have the nicest looking pizza menu they’ve ever seen…and it will be yours.”

2 weeks later sales skyrocketed and Jim was thrilled. When I called to follow-up with him I could hear the phones ringing off the hook in the background.

He told me, “Since I mailed out these menus two weeks ago my sales have increased $15,000!”

This is a fact. As always, if you don’t believe me, I’ll send you Jim’s phone number and email address and you can ask him yourself.

With the new direct mail strategy in place, Jim’s small pizza shop (in a town of 5,000 people) is positioned to do more than half a million dollars in annual sales for the first time ever.

But here’s my main point:
I can help you increase your sales and blow away the competition. If you want “big agency” quality results on your small budget, please call me.

I will personally help you create a no-nonsense Menu Mailer strategy that increases your sales, generates more repeat business, and improves your image. I’ve got the years of experience and the testimonials from happy clients to prove it.

Let’s work together and create something incredible. You can call me or email me directly using the information below.

Chris Barr
Marketing Director
Taradel LLC
Phone: 804.364.8444
Fax: 603.452.0672
[email protected]

P.S. - If you want to see Jim’s menu (the one that generated $15K in 2 weeks) I’ll mail you a printed copy for free along with everything you need to get started. How’s that sound?
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

I know I can’t wait to see the delivery truck pulling in with my new menus!!! The proofs look great! I think the mailing of 5,000 menus to my area is going to really give us a great boost in sales soon! I will post how it goes with the mailing, but so far I am very happy and impressed with how the people over at Taradel have been treating me!!!
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Nice quick boost.

I suspect at that level it is only short-term though. I’m not saying he will go back to $5K, but I’m pretty sure it won’t stay at $15K for long. I’d like to know how many of those new customers ordered again in the next 30 and 60 days. I believe you will find that about 70% never order again.

Not sure about “every 2 weeks” though - in about a month he’ll be doing $100K/week. If that’s true, those must be some amazing menus! :lol:
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Thanks PizzaMagoo, let me know if you ever have any questions - I’m always here to help.

Registered Guest - “$15K every 2 weeks” means that he is pulling in approx $7.5K every week rather than $2-$3K. I doubt he’ll be hitting the $100K per week mark any time soon 😃 …but if he does, I’ll let ya know!
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Always great to hear a success story…
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week
Registered Guest - “$15K every 2 weeks” means that he is pulling in approx $7.5K every week rather than $2-$3K. I doubt he’ll be hitting the $100K per week mark any time soon 😃 …but if he does, I’ll let ya know!
Ah, I understand now. I thought you meant $15k/week every 2 weeks.

I’d be real interested in a follow up to this post over the next couple of months with regard to weekly sales, and if possible the reorder rate of new customers gained over these 2 weeks.
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week
Registered Guest:
Registered Guest - “$15K every 2 weeks” means that he is pulling in approx $7.5K every week rather than $2-$3K. I doubt he’ll be hitting the $100K per week mark any time soon 😃 …but if he does, I’ll let ya know!
Ah, I understand now. I thought you meant $15k/week every 2 weeks.

I’d be real interested in a follow up to this post over the next couple of months with regard to weekly sales, and if possible the reorder rate of new customers gained over these 2 weeks.
I’ll definitely be keeping in touch with him - I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated. The “return customer rate” would be cool to find out. Either way, it’s money in the bank for an independent!
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

chris, email me a copy I would like to see it as well, what is the rate for mailing a menu?
I may add this to my campain
also I am having some dificulties sizing up my menu, I may need some help
let ya know
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Holy F me this guys is pricey, He is a great guy and knows his stuff but its way over priced

Almost doulbe what i pay now.

I wish we could have worked something out with him but i just cant afford those prices
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Thanks for all the responses, I’ve had a very enjoyable time speaking with so many of you in recent weeks. I’m amazed at how energetic and truly dedicated you all are to your industry - it’s awesome.

As to our pricing - it’s super, super low. We make all facets of direct mail a breeze. This includes: strategic planning, menu design, targeted mailing list development, carrier route map services, split drop dates (for multiple drops), etc.

Most mailhouses/printing companies want you in and out the door - a quick buck. I make sure that you get unparalleled customer service, ultra low prices, and every bit of knowledge I have accumulated as a Marketing executive throughout the years…

It’s just like in the pizza biz…you can make and sell pizzas for $4.99 or you can make and sell pizzas for $15.99+. We don’t offer just printing and mailing for the cheapest price possible - we position you for success.

Just my $0.02, with lots of happy pizza shops to prove it! 😃
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

I have no idea what Chris charges, however, for you to say he is “double what I pay now” sounds to me like you are not comparing apples to apples…Not very many businesses can survive by charging more than double what a competitor charges for a similar product…

And costs can not be looked at all by them self…For example there are lots of ingredients you can buy that are less costly…But if they reduce your sales and your bottom line goes the wrong way those “cheap” ingredients are no bargain…

Same with marketing…In my business I talk with many pizza shop owners…Some say they can not afford magnets and other say they can not afford to be without them…Those that distribute magnets usually get enough extra sales to pay for their investment…

I also hear that stores that use full colour 11 x 17 tri-folded menus get far better results than those that use 2 colour 8 1/2 11 menus…So again the less costly item is no bargain…
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

I will be opening a new Pizza Restaurant soon and may be interested in your service. Can you forward me some info please. Thanks
Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Ok not double, but alot more.

I deal directly with the printing company and for me to mail out 10k post cards its only 1800.00
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

chris for some reason I can’t seem to get the white off of the boarder…i saved the background bigger but it seems to revert back
any advice? I don’t really want the boarder
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Good morning Rockstar,
What program are you using do design your flyers? If you are using Publisher or a similar type program, you could always try to send me the "design files" and I'll have one of our designers look at them for you. The other alternative would be to take advantage of our in-house custom design service which would provide you with incredible results. Thanks again!
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week


Chris, is there an update to this?
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

Hi RobT - I just gave Jim (the owner of the pizza shop in this story) a call for you. He said they are pulling in $3-$4K more per week than they did before the mailing. “People are still calling every day with the coupons from the menu mailer.” He also told me that during the first few weeks “We were doing an extra 6K for 2 or 3 weeks straight.” …not bad since he ordered his menus on 6/30/09 - that’s a nice summer boost!

What’s cool is that his best friend is in the food services business (supplier) and he is receiving increased orders as a result of the greater demand for supplies every week. Pretty cool that it is helping a lot of people across the board…

Hope this helps, let me know if you’d like to chat with him (or myself) before you launch a new marketing campaign.

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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week

I’m currently reworking my menu pricing before i send it over to you in a couple weeks to get printed… but wanted to know if you could post up Jim’s new menu, or maybe put it on Photobucket and link to it here so we can all take a look?

Thanks again!
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Re: Another incredible story - from $5K to $15K every 2 week
Hi RobT - I just gave Jim (the owner of the pizza shop in this story) a call for you. He said they are pulling in $3-$4K more per week than they did before the mailing. “People are still calling every day with the coupons from the menu mailer.” He also told me that during the first few weeks “We were doing an extra 6K for 2 or 3 weeks straight.” …not bad since he ordered his menus on 6/30/09 - that’s a nice summer boost!
He has done any other advertising since? If not, I wonder why.

It’s a nice increase, but not atypical of a shop that no one even knew about. These shops can see dramatic increases in sales (100%+) by simply advertising in any way. We recently took over a store in another town that was doing miserably. One round of ADVO increased sales by 120%. The previous owner had not done any direct mail in 2 years.

I will admit that I’m surprised he sustained even a $3K-$4K increase per week with an initial $7.5K per week boost. However, even $6K-$7K per week isn’t quite “half a million dollars in sales” per year.
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