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Another Oven Thread....I know.....I know.......They get old.


New member
:roll: …Well here is my question…

After looking and seeking the wisdom of the experienced. I have decided to go with a Rotating and or Revolving oven…When I started my search I had ruled out conveyor type ovens but I did take a long look at them based on the words of Tom the good Doctor and also George…In the end for me the added flexibility I get with the revolving style is what will best fit my needs…Now and I am just deciding between a Fish…Roto-Flex or a Baxter…or…if someone thinks there is another worthy option please share it…So my question is for those who have used any or all of them…any pro or cons to one over the other…Is there a real stand out among the group…Your thoughts and opinions are welcomed…
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