Any actual users of Point of Success, have any Pros/Cons?


New member
At NAPICS, I sampled a bunch of awesome POSs. Speedline was great along with a few others. If I was purely pizza/restaurant, I would be very happy with them. But I asked each one “Can this also handle a large retail inventory?” and all but 2 said, “No, I don’t think anyone out there can.” A Point of Success dealer and Revel both didn’t bat an eye about saying yes and showing me how. I currently do about half my business in carryout/grocery items. I carry the full carryout line of Pepsi and beer products, as well as a few shelves of grocery staples for the local community that doesn’t want to have to drive 15-20 minutes into town to the grocery store for one item. Along with large and small bags of chips that people buy to go along with subs they buy from us. At last count, we carry around 1,500 total items and everyone but those two said the inventory gets dicey when you get close to 1,000.

Anyway, so I’m leaning towards Point of Success. I like Revel, but I don’t want to change all our equipment over to iPads and corresponding new equipment. So, anyone that uses or has used Point of Success, would you recommend it? We don’t do delivery and I don’t plan on going down that road again, so I don’t care about that aspect of it. Anyone love it? Any horror stories? I do plan on doing online ordering at some point. Any experience with BigHoller? Can any other online ordering interact with Point of Success? Thanks guys.
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I have been using Point of Success for over 10 years. I have been a BETA tester for a couple of the new versions. The support they offer via an online forum is very helpful as it is other users as well as the staff that help with answers. I looked at changing to a different system a while back and found nothing that really had anything more to offer.

Yes there are things I would like that Point of Success doesn’t do but I can live without them.
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The biggest thing is integrated PIN and Chip technology (which no one else has). A minor want is to have more than just the last order in the history. It would also be nice to have the total number of times the customer has ordered printed on the delivery ticket (for reward level). Amy online orders that have been placed do not show in the customers order history.
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At NAPICS, I sampled a bunch of awesome POSs. Speedline was great along with a few others. If I was purely pizza/restaurant, I would be very happy with them. But I asked each one “Can this also handle a large retail inventory?” and all but 2 said, “No, I don’t think anyone out there can.” A Point of Success dealer and Revel both didn’t bat an eye about saying yes and showing me how. I currently do about half my business in carryout/grocery items. I carry the full carryout line of Pepsi and beer products, as well as a few shelves of grocery staples for the local community that doesn’t want to have to drive 15-20 minutes into town to the grocery store for one item. Along with large and small bags of chips that people buy to go along with subs they buy from us. At last count, we carry around 1,500 total items and everyone but those two said the inventory gets dicey when you get close to 1,000.

Anyway, so I’m leaning towards Point of Success. I like Revel, but I don’t want to change all our equipment over to iPads and corresponding new equipment. So, anyone that uses or has used Point of Success, would you recommend it? We don’t do delivery and I don’t plan on going down that road again, so I don’t care about that aspect of it. Anyone love it? Any horror stories? I do plan on doing online ordering at some point. Any experience with BigHoller? Can any other online ordering interact with Point of Success? Thanks guys.
I have had point of success for about 6 years. Actually 7 but I set up my own menu not knowing what I was doing . That took a year in my spare time. … I like it tho. Affordable about half the cost of speedline. That reason alone is enough for me. We have enough costs. Debating on big holler myself. I have support thru William at acustompos and he helps with everything. … others might be fancier but pos def will handle things.
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Yeah, I think that’s who we’re going to go with. We met them at the show and I think they will do a great job. I have been playing around with the point of success demo for a few days and think it’s really going to work well with some tweaks.
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Yeah, I think that’s who we’re going to go with. We met them at the show and I think they will do a great job. I have been playing around with the point of success demo for a few days and think it’s really going to work well with some tweaks.
I still learn new things everyday about it my self.
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My first time ever using a POS was Point of Success, so I have nothing to compare it to.
I liked it because I could start small and add on components and software as needed and not need to put down a huge pile of cash at start-up.
, I built my own system by looking at their recommended hardware list, and I was able to bargain hunt all of the components.
I run a pair of Refurb Dell’s with Win-7 Pro, 21" HP touchscreens, and Star printers

I started with a single terminal, single cash drawer, added a 2nd cash drawer, then added Caller-ID, and a 2nd terminal. The configuration possibilities are almost endless with their product.

I started with their standard edition before we started delivery, and upgraded to premium a year later via beta-testing.
The support is great, and as another person mentioned, the web-forum is great.
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