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Any new software hit the market in the past year?


New member
Hey all,
Getting the POS setup for the new sandwich shop… in my past pizza shops I’ve used PointOfSuccess but I’ve been out of the game for a year now and was wondering if any new (low cost) software like PointOfSuccess has come out?

I’m just using 1 station, the shop is a cross between a Subway and a Deli… more Subway style then Deli.

Thanks all for the info!
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Point of success free version works great. I used to use Revent****, but this program (If you know a little bit about programming) you can customize reports, easily change menu items, track all costs everything they expensive ones can do.
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Sounds perfect. Just downloaded it and am testing it out. I am use to the Premium version and I notice many of the items are removed that I use to use… but that was in my pizzeria. I’ll see if I can make this work.

What kind of receipt printers do you guys like now? (Thermal that is)
I had a couple Star tsp600 and they were crap… non stop problems. I bought a Star 100 FuturePRNT and had that for about a year before I sold the shop, it worked great, no issues at all except initializing it on the network for the first time.

Dont have any experience with Epson/Ithaca/TPG/Citizen/Bixolon

And as far as Cash Drawers… I used 5 APG drawers… 3 of which had issues opening the drawer correctly. :roll: Thoughts?
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I have been using the Epson TM-T88III for nearly 8 years without a single trouble.
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Epson is the most compatible from what I understand, works great at my registers and pizza make area. We are just setting up the order monitor this week. (Again, all my stuff was bought from Revent***)
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Jeff Ward:
You can get Point of Success Special Edition at It’s not designed for pizzerias but it’ll work just fine in your sandwich shop.
Only problem that I am running into seems to be the Deli part of my shop… I will be selling meat and cheese per #, 1/2# or whatever the customer asks for. How would I go about setting the standard price of say $9.99 per # but enter a decimal weight to get a price?
I have been using the Epson TM-T88III for nearly 8 years without a single trouble.
What kind of cash drawer do you have it hooked to? And has it been working with that same register for that full 8 years?
Epson is the most compatible from what I understand, works great at my registers and pizza make area. We are just setting up the order monitor this week. (Again, all my stuff was bought from Revent***)
Same question, what kind of cash drawer do you have? And how long have you had the printer with the cash drawer?

Thanks again all!
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The cash drawers I am using are DigiPoS and have been paired with the same printers for the whole time. They have never given me any trouble either.
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Only problem that I am running into seems to be the Deli part of my shop… I will be selling meat and cheese per #, 1/2# or whatever the customer asks for. How would I go about setting the standard price of say $9.99 per # but enter a decimal weight to get a price?
Use a scale that calculates the total price - Set up a product code that asks for the price when it is added to the order.
Same question, what kind of cash drawer do you have? And how long have you had the printer with the cash drawer?
Point of Success supports printer-controlled cash drawers. These drawers are simply constructed and very rarely fail. The only component in the drawer is a solenoid to kick the drawer.
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Jeff Ward:
Only problem that I am running into seems to be the Deli part of my shop… I will be selling meat and cheese per #, 1/2# or whatever the customer asks for. How would I go about setting the standard price of say $9.99 per # but enter a decimal weight to get a price?
Use a scale that calculates the total price - Set up a product code that asks for the price when it is added to the order.
Have not been able to do this in the SE edition, is that only in the Premium edition?
Jeff Ward:
Same question, what kind of cash drawer do you have? And how long have you had the printer with the cash drawer?
Point of Success supports printer-controlled cash drawers. These drawers are simply constructed and very rarely fail. The only component in the drawer is a solenoid to kick the drawer.
Yes, that solenoid was the problem with my APG registers… called APG and they blamed the Star printers for not giving enough juice to kick it correctly… called Star and they blamed APGs solenoid… and of course neither were ever fixed because no one wanted to take blame.
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