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Any staffing advice?


New member
We are opening a second restaurant/bar in 30 days and need to staff it. We currently employ over 100 people at our current place and are having a hard time keeping up with demand even still. Part of the problem is that we are not in a big town and are having a hard time finding even more to staff a second place. Obviously we’ll be sending some staff over to the new store but we still need more people. Anyone here have any tricks to attract drivers/cooks/management??
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I am sure you have already asked your crew. They have a network of friends and family that are looking for jobs.
Put the message everwhere - boxtoppers, website, outside sign, lobby, craigslist ad, facebook.
Make it easy to get an application, or have a qr code to link to your app. Put apps in a pamphlet box outside the new shop.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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I have used referral bonuses in the past to find employees. If one of my staff refers someone to the shop and the person is hired after 90 days the referring staff member received $100.
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We are also in a pretty small town (12,000) What works best for us are:
  1. Craigslist (used to be free, now costs $10)
  2. Promoted FB post targeted at age demographic I am interested in. I generally spend about $50 on this spread over 3 days.
  3. Box toppers. I print up a help wanted flier (three to a 8.5X11 sheet) Plain black & white in a large font. Print 100 copied at a time (gives me 300) and put on all boxes until gone, repeat as needed.
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