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Any Think tankers in the path of the Nor'easter??


New member
I’m in Pittsburgh…supposed to get 12-14" More the further east and south of us.
If you’re in the midst of this, what are your plans?? Closing…playing it by ear…keeping normal hours?
We don’t deliver. We are Eat In/Take Out.
Curious as to your plans,
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In south Jersey …looking at 24"+ .The Super Bowl a normally do 3000lbs of tenders and wings. I normally have $3000.00 in per orders, this year $500.00…I think everybody is waiting to see. 😦 I have cases of chicken stacked to the ceiling in the walkin and it looks like we will be closed on saturday. Dont know about sunday yet. Thinking about forwarding the call from the shop to my house to take orders for sunday.Feel like I’m going to get kicked in the nuts. It has to stop early enough that they can get the roads clear for sunday. Cant control the weather.What :x :x :x :x
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Our town has called a state of emergency and has put a 9:00 pm curfew out so we closed up early. Today was the worst Friday I can remember. We haven’t made a decision on whether to open tomorrow or not. We will wait and look outside and see how much snow has piled up.
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I operate 90 miles east of Pittsburgh. Started snowing at 1pm today. We did 30% less than normal. We closed 90 minutes early (9:30). There is a foot of snow right now and I would say it is now coming down at a rate of 3" per hour. I usually open at 11am on Saturdays but I plan on opening at 4pm as of right now. I will decide tomorrow if it is even worth opening at all.
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Well we decided not to open today. It is still snowing and is supposed to get worse. Power is out in the center we work in and the state is advising everyone to stay off the roads. Most of our crew has already called saying they can’t even make it out of their driveways. And since most places always do the back roads last it doesn’t seem good.
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Hey fello PA’rs…where are you located…especially those in da burgh. It’s Saturday and I looked at the store cams from home for my stores…and, well, uh…the streets look okay but the township I live in never plowed out our housing development and we can even get out with a 4x4. I had a measuring tape in my truck and here in Wexford I have 22" of snow…my backup sensors on the truck say Service Immediately…I guess it makes sense since the snow is higher than the bumper.

I would love to open…but can’t get there…crap it better be clean by Superbowl.
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We are in the Poconos and got spared, only 1 ". I wish I was able to come down and help you guys out. I know most of Delaware and Maryland are not prepared for something like this. I just looked at the radar and the storm is flipping on itself down there, hold on more on the way. Good luck. We were talking, I wonder if your insurance covers something like this? I wouldn’t know. Good luck friends.
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Here’s our update…(Mandy’s, we are in the South Hills of da burgh)
I didn’t think of the obvious…that I wouldn’t have a choice to open…POWER OUTAGE!

Our power went out last nite at 9:10, so we closed 2 hours early.
Still not back on…praying it comes back on so food is not lost and for the BIG DAY tomorrow!!!

Stay safe everyone 🙂
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Wow, that sucks. Our economy depends on heavy snow in the winter, and we got next to nothing for snow right now, and you guys are literally up to your arse in it. Send it this way!! Please!

We typically used to see 4-6 feet of snow on the ground for most of the winter, we have not had more than 18" of depth this entire season.

A snow like what you guys got is is considered crippling and unwanted for that area, while here it is seen as a godsend and we wish we could get 2-4 feet falling in each storm.

Global warming??? I don’t think so!
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Send some of that snow to Vancouver / Whistler…They are trucking it in so the hills look “pretty” for all the cameras…
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Global warming??? I don’t think so!
I find that statement to be dumb. No offense.
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Here in central ohio (utica) we got about 15" and now it is blowing into 3’ drifts in my area. We closed early last night when it went to level 2 , but we are openign for tonight and playing it by ear how long we will be open. Just depends on if the snow starts falling agian and if the fdrifts get bigger. Definitly dont want to be closed for Super Bowl though! I think i would pay a plow truck to do deliveries before I close for it!!
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^^^ I agree. Anytime I find myself wanting to call someone dumb I refrain myself from doing so because it does nothing positive for the think tank. Lets all be positive here and give constructive comments not personal put downs.
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You guys are right, but I didn’t say he was dumb. Didn’t mean to offend, guess I was just pullin out my white glove to challenge him to a good ol’ fashioned duel if he really feels theres no global warming.
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You guys are right, but I didn’t say he was dumb. Didn’t mean to offend, guess I was just pullin out my white glove to challenge him to a good ol’ fashioned duel if he really feels theres no global warming.
I’ll put on the gloves and load the flintlock pistols with you and debate the topic in a civilized nature, but in PM’s or e-mail as to not disrupt the forum.
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Back to the original subject…South Hills…we are in the North Hills and HOLY SHIT…26" when it was all over. My northside store only did pickups and for a community that relies primarily on jitney service they kicked but. As for my Westview store…I had to turn away business we were soooo slammed and it was NOT predictable.

The unfortunate situation that helped us was the same suffering you endured…a lot of my customers had no power and could not cook so they ordered tonight…I even lent one of my customers our propane heater since he already had a broken pipe and the gas stations that carried kerosene were closed.

I wish you the best of luck…and seriously, if there’s anything we can do to help…let me know…I am off tuesday and can help you with some makeup prep.

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