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Anybody using wireless credit card units?


New member
Just curious if anybody is using wireless credit card units for delivery. For almost 10 years we were able to store customer credit card numbers but with PCI compliance our POS company has us back to using Verifone units. This is causing a bottle neck having to enter all the information each time someone places an order and my customers liked it better only having to give the last four numbers. I am looking for a solution that will make my customers and myself happy. Anybody have any thoughts?
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I use iWL225 units made by ingenio. They use the GSM cell network (my choice of carrier). I am not able to have integrated service through my POS because of the Chip and PIN technology that has been in Canada for quite some time. The customers like having the option of paying with any type of currency at the door. I am also able to use my gift cards with the portable units.
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Square…customers luv it & its simple to administer…nearly all drivers have a smart phone & u can use it offline if need be…
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We have two portable credit/debit machines for deliveries and it is a must for drivers. I found drivers made a lot more tips when the customer were able to input the amount at the door (train your drivers to be really nice and polite), also less cash to deal with at the end of the night. Lastly, an extra debit/credit card machine in the shop if the main terminal happens to break down.
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