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Anyone ever go back and read all of their old posts?


New member
All i can say it wow, i was really imature and child like 5 years ago. It was rather embarassing reading all the posts that i had made when i was just starting out at 22 years of age. Im only 28 now but man i have grown alot in that time. Wish i could delete about half my old posts…

anyways just wondering if anyone else has done this with simalar results. LOL
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Being more than double your age I should feel even more embarassed from the dribble I have and continue to write on this forum.
But hey that what you get from being inthis industry 😃

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Nah. I know I’ve made dingbat posts, and don’t want to prove to myself just how many. I figure as long as WA Dave looks more foolish than me, I’m not the ‘most’. Don’t have to outrun the bear . . . .
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Besides Nick, with your post count, can you imagine how long it would take to read them all?
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The secret is that it is the same things over and over, just to new audiences. And the older ones who get tired of seeing my name pop up :shock:

I only know four songs . . . I just sing different versus sometimes.
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