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Anyone ever use or see a doughpro 1100m?

I am looking for anyone who has used or even seen an 1100m in person. Its the doughpro press that creates a little thicker crust through the use of a plenum on the bottom of the press. I would like to hear opinions of how it looked or seemed to work. I have seen their little video but it doesn’t show a finished pizza.
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The ‘trick’ to any dough press is, I believe, is dough management & temp…the 1st one I had I didn’t understand that & was unhappy with the results…

After running a high volume CiCi’s several years ago, I got quite familiar with it & couldn’t have made it thru the shift without one…
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Yeah, I have a regular doughpro 1100 and am getting pretty good with it. One big trick of a dough press is to have a dough recipe that has a lot of oil in it (4 percent).

I am specifically asking about the 1100m, it creates a thicker crust. It sounds interesting but I wanted to know if anybody had actually seen it in real life. I went to the vegas pizza expo last year, walked up to the doughpro booth and asked to see it and they did not bring one. I was very disappointed.
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