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Anyone Frying Raw Chicken Wings?


New member
I’ve always used the precooked and breaded wings, just threw them straight into the fryer and let cook for 6 min.

Now, I’m looking to do .25 cent wing nights… and it seems that Raw chicken is the only way to go… otherwise I’ll be losing money.

So, the new wings come in 40# case, 4 – 10# bags raw out of the cooler (never frozen). The Wing and Drumette are attached, so once I get them in, I will chop them.

From there, I don’t know where to start.

These are the idea’s that have come to me so far:
  1. Put all the pieces into a new bag and throw them all into the freezer… and when I need an order, fry them straight from frozen. (will this even work? How long will it take? Will they be dried out?)
  2. after the chop, I throw them in the fryer and par-cook them, maybe 4 minutes… then throw them in a bag and freeze them… and when I need an order, fry them straight from frozen. (same questions as above)
  3. chop and store in cooler… and when needed, throw in fryer. (same questions as above, AND how long will they stay good?)
Because these are going to be extra cheap wings, I’m not going to put a breading on them, just serve them “n-akedâ€.

Thanks all for the help!
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Heres what we do and we sell a ton of wings…
  1. Buy raw wings and seperate the v tip from the drumette.
  2. Wash and put in fryer 12 minutes.
  3. Put cooked wings in a mix of 50% butter or marg and 50% Franks Red Hot Sauce (we keep it heated in a steam table).
  4. Serve with Blue Cheese or Ranch dressing.
Good Luck,
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1st store we fried 'em 2 order - tossed in sauce ala minute…

2nd store we rinsed & pre-fried 1 cs @ a time…cooled, the 2 order, tossed in sauce & ran thru the MM 360…

we now “steam” them 4 15 minutes & cool, then fry/sauce 2 order…this method has resulted in the most “juicy” & plump wings 2 date…

ahh…now the new store…
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Here is What I do for wings.
  1. Fresh Wings come in.Drain juice, place on sheet pans
  2. Par-cook in pizza oven (Deck) or regular oven.
  3. Drain Fat
  4. Place sheet pans in walk-in to cool.
  5. Put each sheet pans wings in food containers with lids , stack in walk-in.
  6. Fry to order.
Think about buying already dis-jointed wings, unless you have the extra time.

If you don’t sell the wings fast, freeze in storage containers, remove from freezer the day before you need them.
I sell alot wings & tenders and have never had any problems .
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