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Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in place?


New member
I’m always having employee issues, this one complaining about that one, that one not doing something so this person gets screwed… no one works as a TEAM. Everyone’s just out to get everyone else shafted. I assumed that everyone’s just trying to do this so they get promoted… so I made sure everyone understood that there are NO higher positions available, so there’s no reason for everyone to shaft everyone else… but that did not phase anything.

So, I want to start a 3 step policy, i.e. 1. get written up (that they read and sign, 2. They receive a few day suspension, 3. Termination.

Does anyone already have this idea in their shop? And if so, I would appreciate any written help…(I’m not a writer) 🙂

Thanks again all!
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

I don’t run a “3 step” program per say but it is tiered.

First and foremost I document EVERYTHING about my employees- tardiness, no call no shows, minor theft of food that they don’t think I know about, etc.

The first few things are documented by me only, no notice to them. Then I go to verbal warnings. After 2 or 3 verbals then its written warnings. After enough written warnings, usually 2-4, they’re gone. Plain and simple. Of course many will probably see me as more lenient but you have to expect minor things to happen with employees making 5-7 an hour. They ARE going to show up late some times, they ARE going to eat a couple of chicken wings here and there, etc. But I do have a firm and obvious line.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

I dont bother with written stuff or suspensions.

People know when enough is enough.
Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac
I’m always having employee issues, this one complaining about that one, that one not doing something so this person gets screwed… no one works as a TEAM. Everyone’s just out to get everyone else shafted. I assumed that everyone’s just trying to do this so they get promoted… so I made sure everyone understood that there are NO higher positions available, so there’s no reason for everyone to shaft everyone else… but that did not phase anything.

So, I want to start a 3 step policy, i.e. 1. get written up (that they read and sign, 2. They receive a few day suspension, 3. Termination.

Does anyone already have this idea in their shop? And if so, I would appreciate any written help…(I’m not a writer) 🙂

Thanks again all!
I’m with guest on this one. I don’t do anything formal. It’s obvious to me when it is time to let someone go.

My opinion, a written and formal policy let’s people know what they can get away with. In my history working for owners who had policies like this, that is exactly what the employees did.

I give employees a phenomenal place to work. We have a very fun environment. I’ve slashed my turnover in the past 3 years. It is not for everyone though. Once I realize someone is not right for this place, and their attitude starts to show it, I show them the door. One of the reasons this is a great place to work is that I keep people who can’t work hard, be devoted, and have fun out of my place. In my opinion, that’s the key.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

We document EVERYTHING! Not having a progressive discipline policy in place is just asking for problems.
Here’s what I do:
  1. You fail to comply with a policy you get a verbal warning. I document it in a program I found a couple of years ago.
  2. You fail to comply with a policy again, I write you up. I sit you down, I talk to you about the issue. I provide steps to remedy the situation. I show them what happens if non-compliance happens again.
  3. You fail to comply again, I write you up and show you the door.
I am now bullet proof for unemployment hearings. I followed a process which is covered in my company policies. I have a process my managers can follow.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac
We document EVERYTHING! Not having a progressive discipline policy in place is just asking for problems.
Here’s what I do:
  1. You fail to comply with a policy you get a verbal warning. I document it in a program I found a couple of years ago.
  2. You fail to comply with a policy again, I write you up. I sit you down, I talk to you about the issue. I provide steps to remedy the situation. I show them what happens if non-compliance happens again.
  3. You fail to comply again, I write you up and show you the door.
I am now bullet proof for unemployment hearings. I followed a process which is covered in my company policies. I have a process my managers can follow.
Gpizza92 hit it right on the head. Follow those three steps consistently while keeping a positive, optimistic outlook and you’ll see results.

One of your policies should be that no one is allowed to bitch, complain, gossip or be negative. If anyone has a problem they talk to a manager ONLY. This will help ensure a positive working enviorment.

I’ve had stores that started out as a nightmare and turned around to be a great place to work.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

How many unemplyment hearings have you had to sit through? I’ve seen almost 1000 employees come on go over the years and have had 2 claims, neither one paid. No documentation other than my POS time sheets.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

I agree that having documentaqtion is the best way to go. It will more than pay for itself the first time you have to go before the employment commission when someone you fired tries to collect umemployment. If they file for unemployment and you deny it then you have to go before the judge and plead your case. If you have no documentation to show they were fired with just cause, more than likely the fired employee will be awarded unemployment…thus causing your rates you pay in to go up. If you have documentation showing they were ‘idiots’ or fired with jsut cause, they the case is thrown out. (this is not legal advice ;))
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

Document everything! I can tell you from experience that it has saved me time and time again. In order to avoid unemployment, you need to be able to prove that they knew the rules and that they still broke them. Your word isn’t good enough for a judge, so be prepared to prove it! I agree that keeping a fun, relaxed atmosphere prevents most problems, but when it’s your business, it’s your life. Don’t take the chance, just document it.
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Re: Anyone have a 3-step employee termination policy in plac

I call it the python method. I simply turn up the heat and squeeze the problem child until they quit or shape up. My method has never failed me…give it a try.

I always tell people that I do not fire people, they fire themselves. If you have a good crew, the bad ones will not stay.
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