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Anyone know of any more Pizza trade shows coming up?

I’ve been asking that question myself. I’d love to see a show in Australia. How about redirecting your question to Tom Boyles our Australia Editor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’ve been asking that question myself. I’d love to see a show in Australia. How about redirecting your question to Tom Boyles our Australia Editor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor

Tom we do have a sort of one that Tom Boyles normally attends and has a stand at for PMQ, but it is not specifically pizza.

Maybe Tom can get one going and bring you down for a couple of guest sessions (preferably ones at the bar :lol: ) With the low price of airfares this wouldn’t be too hard.
wa dave:

Where are all the Aussie ones??? :lol:


You tell me! I would love to write off a trip down under.
Actually we don’t have a specific Pizza show down here. The Best of the Best Pizza Cook off championships is part of the Fine Food and Hospitality expo. They have food manufacturers, equipmet suppliers etc for everything food and hospitality.

Unfortunately the pizza industry here is pretty much everyman for themselves , we only help ourselves mentality. I guess most operators are either dumb with their heads in the sand / bum up; bums up their ar$e arrogant to learn anything or just don’t give a damm. Even at the expo we have (Fine Food) I don’t see that many from the industry attend and most exhibitors say the same.

But hey that’s no reason not to come down and attend our national one (each state has their own samller one) around September time. At least they have a great wine and beer tasting area so you can get legless on our world class wines and beers (real beers with a great taste and a boot as well). Surely somehow you can get some time in visiting the stands and watching the national pizza cookoff to justify to the taxman it was a business trip. :lol:

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