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Anyone Up For A Group Magnet Purchase From Royce?


New member
Ready to start pushing the new place now that we’re settled in. I’ve bought from Royce in the past and was thrilled with the product. He’s posted several times about making a group purchase that could save everyone money. I’m up for 5K magnets in this first order. His website lists that at $.11/ea. I’d be curious what a group order does to that cost.

PM me if you want to work together on this.
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I think everyone should put a magnet map up on their walls and get a magnet from all the other indies here on the TT to cross advertise for each other and help market different areas when the locals travel. :idea:
That’s a very creative and neat idea Mike! Not to mention, if I were a customer and walked into a place that had one of those, I wouldn’t mind waiting a few minutes for my food while I take a look!
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There are a lot of combinations of group orders…Most frequently I do the following:

2 x 2,500 = 318.75 (0.1275 each versus 0.15 each)
2 x 5,000 = 485.00 (0.097 each versus 0.11 each)
4 x 2,500 = 300.00 (0.12 each versus 0.15 each)
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Talk to us a bit about magnet theory. i.e. how do you suggest distributing them? I could do a mailing to all local homeowners, that would run about 5000 pieces. I could do all local mailing addresses, that would be 10,000.

Other thoughts?

Size of magnet?

Number of colors available?

Square or die cut?

Send with offers?
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Talk to us a bit about magnet theory. i.e. how do you suggest distributing them? I could do a mailing to all local homeowners, that would run about 5000 pieces. I could do all local mailing addresses, that would be 10,000.

Other thoughts?

Size of magnet?

Number of colors available?

Square or die cut?

Send with offers?
I include a magnet with every order. I like to change up the look and sometimes the shape of the magnets. I have used football shaped ones with our local teams football schedule, and had some diecut in the shape of my Smart Car. Usually I use business card sized magnets. I print in small print on the bottom of each “Redeem this magnet for …” . I change the offer with each batch. My feeling is that I really don’t want to collect the magnet unless the offer price is old and outdated. The idea of doing different designs and shapes with different offers is to give the incentive to keep more than one of my magnets on the fridge. When they want pizza and start looking for specials, I hope they just look to their fridge instead of paging through the latest Val Pak where they might get distracted by a competitors ad. Some customers try to cover their whole fridge top to bottom with my magnets. Is it a waste to have $15 of magnets on one persons fridge? Maybe, but they would have had to order well over 200 times to get that many magnets. We recently had a woman come in asking for as many different design magnets as we could give her. Apparently her husband has been “collecting” ours since we started using them and believed he had each and every design we had put out. She threw these out and her was quite pizzed off. We have bought houses in town that a bunch of our magnets on the fridge. Many of the bars/restaurants and offices in town have our magnets displayed in sight of their customers.

As far as your distribution questions, if you are going to mail, you want to get them in as many of the vacation condos as possible as that is where they will help you most. They are the ones looking for who to order from. If you doorhang these condos at all, slap a magnet on each door if the complex has metal doors.
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Yikes… one on every order… How many do you go through? How do you attach them to the box or however you get them delivered? How many do you produce at a time? I would need 1000 of them for Christmas week alone… but I can see the appeal of getting them into the condos!

I would think I would still want to order them 10K at a time so I was not having to do it every month.
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I go through about 100,000 magnets a year including magnet mailers/boxtoppers. I order 12,000 calander magnets every January and mail 5000 and boxtop the remaining 7,000 and I do the same every august with football schedule magnets. My regular magnets I purchase either 10,000 or 20,000 at a time. I switch up what design I use often so right now I have 5,000 or more of three different designs.
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I have done 10s of 1,000s of magnets over the years…

Business card magnets have always been the biggest portion of my magnet sales…Mostly because on smaller quantities, they have a good price point…As quantities increase, the difference in price between a business card magnet and a stock shape becomes 1 or 2 cents…And at 50,000+, a custom die cut shape is usually 1 cent more than a similar size stock shape…

As far as larger sizes, I do a bunch of 3 1/2 x 5 and 5 x 73/8 magnets as schedules magnets and calendars…And a few that are just larger magnets with basic information and

As far as design, I am a big believer is keeping it simple…Logo on top, phone number as wide as possible across magnet and website below…Depending on the logo it may be possible to put 1 or 2 lines short lines of text…

As far as putting a pizza image on a magnet, I am not a big fan of this…But depending on the design, it can work…And it is better to have good quality stock photo than a poor quality photo of your pizza…Your clients will not pay very much attention to whether or not the pizza is yours or not…

As far as addresses, I do think this matters much…In order to fit in an address, usually something else has to give…Smaller logo, smaller phone # and/or smaller web addresses is not a good sacrifice in my mind…Now if you go to a larger magnet, then you have more options…

As far as group orders, the bigger the quantity, the better the price…So if you are part of a chain, it is best to plan and make your purchases together…And if you can have them shipped to a central warehouse or commissary it can save some shipping/drop ship expenses…I have a couple multi unit clients that made an arrangements with their food service vendor to deliver them with their food order…

As far as distribution…I have some that hand them out with every order…I have some that include them with every menu they mail or door hang…I have that tag cars at the mall (and did get grief for this)…I have some that get into every condo/hotel/motel room before ski or beach season and put them on the fridges and/or stoves…I have some that hand them out at parades…I have some subscribe to Welcome Wagon…I have some that put them in student welcome back kits at colleges and universities…

As far as offers, I have some that include a special package deal…I had ones a while back that gave away a free bag of ice…Did not work well with a winter college crowd but was a huge hit when they were handed out on the beach the next summer…Some folks also encourage clients to collect so many for a free pizza…I prefer to give away a gift like a t-shirt and sell the pizza…The less food you give away the better…

As far as colour, most these days are full colour as the cost is the same as a spot colours…But sometime keeping the colours simple can make your magnet stand out…

As far as magnet strength…Thicker does not always mean stronger…It depends on the number of poles per square inch…Also matters how much of the overall thickness is magnet…My typical magnet is 25 mils of which 13 mils is magnets…Strength is 36 lbs. per sq. ft…My lower price magnet is 20 mils overall with 10 mils of magnet…Strength is 33 lbs. per sq. ft…My outdoor magnet is 30 mils overall with 18 mils of magnet material…Strength is 54 lbs. per sq. ft.

Want to stump your magnet supplier, ask them for specifications on poles per inch and/or pounds per square foot of “Magnet Strength”…

Enough said for now…Was not meaning to write a book…
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Am I missing something here?
Royce, considering all of us would have different design/artwork and ship to addresses, would there be any benefit to a group order? Assuming 10 people order you would have 10 designs, 10 proofs and 10 production runs and 10 shipments. It would be as if 10 different households each ordered 2 large pizzas for delivery, the effort would be nothing like a 20 pizza order for the school.
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There would still be additional savings…But the bigger problem is getting 10 orders ready to go at the same time. Except for chains, I have never managed to put more than 4 together at the same time…

As far as productions runs…10 proofs but only 1 press run…Digital presses change plates change on the fly…Digital press is still offset printing with ink, not toner like digital printing…

If I could get 10 orders of 2,500 ready to go, each would be 245.00 versus 300.00 for 4 x 2,500…If I could get 5 orders x 5,000 ready to go, each would be 435.00 versus 485.00 for 2 x 5,000…

As far as artwork, there is not really enough built it to cover the time I spend, but over the years I see that most clients order many times using the same or similar artwork, so it works out…
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Anyone need 2,500 business card magnets today?..I have an order in hand for 2,500 that needs to be ordered today in order to meet an event date…So if you order in the next couple hours, 2,500 will be 318.75 plus shipping…

PS…I have at least 2 ready to order…And a few more that need a few days…So next week I might be able to put another group together…Thanks…
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