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Anyone use a Bowl Lifter?


New member
We do batches with 50lb four bags and have been running into issues lately with lifting the bowls. Used to be we did batches when larger crews were on hand, but with our recent schedule change, some shifts are having a hard time lifting the bowls.

Does anyone have any experience or recommendations for a bowl lifter?
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I don’t have the footprint in the store to keep an extra piece of equipment like a bowl lifter. We do batches with 100Lbs of flour and cut the dough out in pieces. It’s easier at the store with a spiral mixer than it is at the store with a 140qt hobart because the bottom of the bowl is higher in the spiral. The time spent cutting the dough out is not a whole lot more than the time it will take to raise the bowl with a lifter. I’m sure less than a minute to cut out a 50Lb batch.
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George Mills had a prototype at Pizza Expo this year. I have a picture of it somewhere if you are interested or you could contact him direct.
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Hi Paul:

Aparently this is not a big problem. I had a prototype built and showed it at Pizza Expo there was not enough interest shown to warrent the cost of a production run and the cost of getting NSF certification.

Most lifts are used in the bakery industry where NSF certification is not required.

George Mills
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