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Anyone Use CFM Concepts For Menus?


New member
Grande Cheese offered to subsidize my first order of menus from CFM Concepts, but, even with their contribution, it would still cost more than using Teradel. A rep from CFM called me yesterday and was talking about how much better they are than anyone else and their customers get a 23% increase in sales and 2 year studies say blah, blah, blah. It was just a constant spew of how much better than they are than anyone else, but using generic things that I’m sure most people who design menus have been trained about (item placement, white space, etc.).

Just curious if anyone has used them. I need new menus badly, but coming up with all the money up front is an issue right now.
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Darn, I wish I kept that menu… There is a place by my house that used them, and they weren’t that great…
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A quick look at their respective websites shows me that CFM is slightly cheaper for 25,000 80# (I’m fairly certain CFM uses 80# paper) single fold menus with design(without the Grande subsidy). Check with CFM about shipping, as they are in Canada and this may eat the savings. I have had pieces designed by both and the CFM piece was by far the best print piece I have ever used. The Taradel ad design was ok, but not something I would print again.
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I use Grande and considered the menu program, but it is very expensive even with the subsidy. I prefer Takeout Printing, they have an awesome full color 11x17 menu that is just as good if not better than CFM (my opinion) and a lot cheaper. I guess what I like most about Takeout Printing is that the price includes design and folding. I hate it when companies, TRADEL and others, offer a low ball menu printing and then charge out the a$$ for folding and design.
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I hate it when companies, TRADEL and others, offer a low ball menu printing and then charge out the a$$ for folding and design.
I think most would rather have the costs broken up so they can choose the options they want and save money. Personally, I “hate it” when I have to dig to find out what the different charges are that make up the whole.
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i used them a few years ago for 25k 11x17 full color trifold menus and was very impressed with them…I plan to order some soon but I think they had the best photography which is a big difference for me
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I had samples sent in from 6 different companies and looked them over thoroughly before making my decision. I had samples sent to me by CFM concepts first and all the others were not even close in comparison. So I bought 25K from them in October '08. I had them shipped to their mail distribution warehouse in KY for less than $200. They sent about 4K to me for $80 and kept the rest for my direct mail distribution.

Their Pictures are top of the line. Their design themes are top of the line. I liked them so much I had them do my website also. The menus cost me about .08 each. Price was not important. I was more concerned with quality and it has paid off. My menus make people hungry. When they get them in the mail they don’t get thrown away like most. They look good enough to keep.

As far as their claims of increased business, I am not a good source. I went from a black and white 8 1/2" X 11" single page to a top of the line menu so people were going to notice it. But I will say this. Since we started direct mail with the menus from CFM our sales have been 15% to 20% higher. This year we have already broken our weekly sales record six times, daily sales record 4 times, and monthly sales record 2 times! We have been in business for 50 years now and I wish I would have done this alot sooner.
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thats quite an endorsement…I’ll have to think twice about that program

maybe as an in-between step from your current menu until the cfm product, I print my takeout menu on the color flyer Grande provides for free. I put my logo on the front over the picture, print my menu on the blank back side, fold in half, and that gives me a back side for hours, website, lunch specials, etc. That gives you some color on your menu, for only the cost of b/w copies.
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I too have used CFM and have been very happy with the product and the staff. I just placed another order for 50k. Also I did get a much better response that usual with the nice pictures and printing.
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