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Anyone use FishBowl Marketing


New member
Does anyone here use FishBowl Marketing for their customer email marketing program?
I have gotten some info in the mail, and a couple sales calls from them. It looks like a good program.
Sammy B.
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It looks nice; got lots of pretty templates. But $199 per month? That seems kind of steep.

I’m using Constant Contact. It may not be totally geared for restaurants, but at 10% of the cost vs. FBM, I’ll probably won’t switch.
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The Cost of Hundreds per month (right off the bat without even having built an email list yet ) charged by other email marketing services online is what inspired me to create the PizzaEclub program…

Absolutely no intent to spam the board… My answer is in relation to the question about Fishbowl and other Email marketing services.

Fishbowl as well as Constant Contact are essentially “Self Service” portals for email marketing… great they provide a few templates… but really this is not truly “Branded” email marketing for your business. is a turn key “Full Service” program… we build the Customized email, we broadcast the email, and we track the email… and pricing is based on the size of your list… plus we help grow your list…

Please check us out online at … we’re a little smaller company than fishbowl or constantcontact… but that simply means you get more personal service. Plus did I mention we offer a satisfaction money back gaurantee?

If you are considering Email Marketing… Customer Loyalty, please check us out. - Thanks
Thanks for the responses.
Dan, I am going to check out your website and will be in touch if this is something I would like to move forward with.
Sammy B.
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Sammy B.

Looking forward to chatting with you… what I’d like to offer you, if you’re interested in the service… is essentially a FREE evaluation trial… (and this will go for anyone who lets me know they came from this PMQ forum )

Because you’re responding to this post on the PMQ Board, if you’re interested in considering our Customer Loyalty Email Marketing Program … I’m willing to have your Email Template Built for you, so you can see exactly what would be going out to your customers… free as an evaluation tool, and under no obligation to move forward with the monthly service. If you like what you see…great, we’ll get your e-club sign up cards printed and sent out to you so you can start building your list. If you’re not satisfied… well then I just didn’t earn your business so it’s my loss, that’s fair enough right?

Let me know if that’s of interest to you… email me (or call ) and let me or my staff know that you’re responding from the PMQ Forum and the offer is good to any other store owners who read this post and are interested.

Have a great week…