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anyone using a woodburning oven??? need help finding one to


New member
i dont kno much about companies that makes them or what they cost… im looking to open a tru pizzeria like in naples… i wanna do a wood burnin oven. are any of yuou guys doin this?? does anyone know what they go for or where i can find more info on companies that make them…
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Re: anyone using a woodburning oven??? need help finding one


If you are interested in authenticity of ovens for the Neapolitan style, you may want to take a look at the Italian website forno-napoletana (dot) it. Also, if you go to the pizzamaking (dot) com website, you will find a very active section on the forum on Neapolitan style pizza (including ovens). One of the members, pizzanapoletana (Marco), is affiliated with forno-napoletana and has been assisting pizza operators in the U.S. with authentic Neapolitan wood fired ovens. A recent installation was at Bettola-Birmingham, Alabama, and a new installation is scheduled soon in the Pittsburgh area. Marco can be reached at marco@forno-italiano (dot) it.

Re: anyone using a woodburning oven??? need help finding one


I made a mistake with the names in my last post. The Italian website should be forno-napoletano (dot) it. And Marco’s email address is marco@forno-napoletano (dot) it. Sorry.
