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Anyone using frozen pizza shells?


New member
Someone give me the good, the bad and the ugly of these. We have little space for making our own. We are located in rural Tennessee. Also what is the best oven to cook these in. Deck or conveyor
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You’ll have a better tasting/appearing/acceptable product if you use a frozen doughball vrs a par-baked shell…it’s easy 2 learn to hand toss a pizza, or you could buy a used press for a grand or so…

if your operation can’t go thru 5+ pizza/day, you need to stay out of the pizza biz…

a small volume operation can get by w/a small deck oven…

one real nice small oven I see on e-bay from time to time is a Peerless Quartz ray oven - less than 1K as well…

where 'bouts in TN? I used 2 work in Knoxville yrs ago…
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We are located in Flintvlille, Tn about 40 min north of Huntsville Alabama. the only pizza place here is a gas station serving up hunts brothers pizzas
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I use a pre sheeted dough. My customers think it is great! They swear it is made in house.
from what I have found working for both LC and dom. and my own
The good:
don’t have to worry about if someone else mixes the dough in house and gets a ratio off
Gets great consistancy since most are done at computerized plant
don’t have to worry about humidity and temp changes when making dough.
don’t have to buy the equipment and find the space if small shop
keeps grease trap cleaner since not cleaning the mixer everyday
keeps labor down by not having to come in early and make dough


Food cost is higher than self made dough

The rest is about equal from what I have found! If you prep enough on either version you are fine.
I have had my shop for 3 1/2 years and would not even think of switching to make it in house. And if you check around you can get some really good brands that when cooked properly will look and taste like in house.
On the oven side I have always used lincoln conveyor ovens (gas) with a 32" wide belt. They (conveyors) give you less hassle of not having to open the door check pizza, rotate, spin , etc. They keep real good constant temp range and you can customize the burners inside to get a crispier crust on the bottom or more well done on top.

The deck ovens I agree give you a different(sometimes better) taste. That is mostly fro mthe oil from the pizzas collecting on the stones and adding flavor to each new pizza.
Both style can be bought on ebay or craigslist for 1000-2000 dollars
The conveyors can be bought as single units the nonce get going and need more volume buy another and stack right on top.
Hope this helps
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