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Anyone using Square Register?


New member
I’ve looked at some POS systems and I’m leaning towards Square. I like the interface, not having a contract and being able to run reports. Plus I’ve already got an iPad and the stand/cash drawer/printer would only cost about $450.
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I’m a Square user, but the register aspect is quite weak for delivery & custom orders…low volume shoppes, maybe…

I’m a big supporter of POS for those with a limited budget seeking fuul features…
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I’m not doing delivery, just carry out & dine in. Nothing delivers in my area…going 5 miles can can take 15-20 minutes on alot of our roads! LOL
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I use it. So far so good, really easy. No delivery here either. Haven’t used the printed ticket option, but that would be nice. Dine-in and carry-out printed tickets would be feasible, but phone orders wouldn’t unless you take a credit card over the phone which would be a hassle. They are always adding new features though so perhaps this will be addressed in the future. I would suggest getting the wireless receipt printer, as our wired one tends to come unconnected, unless you are very careful, when you spin screen around for them to sign.
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there are many short cuts one can use in our industry…those that expect to do delivery, advanced make line, multiple items besides pie, $500K in sales, Square is not for you…get Point of Success as an economical POS & use Square for it c/c features…
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Our clients seem to be happiest with Point of Success, hands down. Plus, most process with Mercury, rates are cheaper than Square and the gift program features unlimited free transactions. Using quality hardware is important, but nowhere near as important as having the system set up properly from the start. Oh, and set up a separate MOTO account for all your card not present transactions. Easy schmeasy.

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