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Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job program?


New member
I am in the process of hiring 5 teenagers this summer and it’s going to cost a whopping “zippo”!

I’m going to have them do odd 'n end type jobs (cleaning, portioning, handing out flyers, etc.). Payroll is through my local county employment office (from Fed fund), plus they take care of Workers Comp. It’s part of the Obama stimulus plan to promote teenager summer employment.

I’m figuring I can save about $10K in labor, taxes and WC insurance. Who knows, maybe I can find some aces that I’ll keep after the summer is over.

If you haven’t looked into this, do it now!
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

Where could I go online to learn about this?
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

You can just google “Teen job stimulus” and see all sorts of articles about the program. But you should contact your local employment office, since they are the ones that are administrating it. As far as I can tell, almost every state has accepted this federal stimulus.

The program coordinator that I spoke to today was so glad I was there. She said there were some 300 youths signed up in my area, but very few businesses have stepped forward to participate. They are going to allow me to interview them after they do a pre-screen.

It seems like a no-brainer.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

Wonderful. Now my tax dollars are subsidizing the pizza industry. Just beware of the strong arm tactics that that the white house will be using on you, once you except the gift…
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

So this is how we “remake America”?

Once the entrepreneurial class is corrupted, it’s game over.

(Wonder how many business owners ever stop to think how many teenagers they would employ if there were no minimum wage, allowing the untrained and unskilled to “learn on the job” rather than through expensive, wasteful government “job training programs”.)
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

I don’t believe I would ever knowingly employ anyone who went to a government agency to find employment. ( I sincerely doubt that they would conform to my expectations.)

Furthermore, I cannot ever imagine using taxpayer subsidized labor unless I was running a litter pick up crew (but thankfully we mostly use state prisoners for that down here.)
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog
Furthermore, I cannot ever imagine using taxpayer subsidized labor unless I was running a litter pick up crew (but thankfully we mostly use state prisoners for that down here.)
Makes me want to litter more!
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog
I don’t believe I would ever knowingly employ anyone who went to a government agency to find employment. ( I sincerely doubt that they would conform to my expectations.)
Hmm, that’s a pretentious statement without even exploring what’s out there. I interviewed two candidates this morning. One of the kids I interviewed has two parents that were both laid off. He has a “B” average in high school and is looking to help his family out. Unfortunately for him, the job market around here (like in many areas) is very bad. So he turned to the One Stop because he heard from his school counselor about this program… with your way of thinking, you wouldn’t even consider this guy. Sad.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

I wonder if later on the government will determine the value of labor you received as income. We can retroactively change the tax code, Pres. Clinton proved that. He was a strict constructionist compared to Mr. Obama.

I am going to look into this more, I could use some inexpensive labor to help do some painting and upgrades, as long as they are providing good kids, and not a bunch of wanna be punks. I wonder how the employer/employee relationship will be considering the check is coming from someone else?

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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog
I don’t believe I would ever knowingly employ anyone who went to a government agency to find employment. ( I sincerely doubt that they would conform to my expectations.)
Hmm, that’s a pretentious statement without even exploring what’s out there. I interviewed two candidates this morning. One of the kids I interviewed has two parents that were both laid off. He has a “B” average in high school and is looking to help his family out. Unfortunately for him, the job market around here (like in many areas) is very bad. So he turned to the One Stop because he heard from his school counselor about this program… with your way of thinking, you wouldn’t even consider this guy. Sad.
Yes you should consider this guy, and as many like him that you need. The gift will be given to someone anyway, why not you?. Just remember, when the government takes something from one person (me), and gives it to another (you), it’s called INCOME RE-DISTRIBUTION, and the real goal here is to purchase your vote. The end result of this policy is the erosion of the most basic thing which our government is supposed to protect, which is each individual’s property. When the government takes my property (i.e. tax dollars) and uses it to protect my property (i.e law enforcement) that is supporting the government. But when the government takes my property and gives it to another, it’s THEFT.

Take the gift. Don’t drink the kool-aid.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

I don’t necessarily agree with all of the bailouts that we keep hearing about. I did not think this was going to turn into a political thread. But, this money was already allocated. So, it’s use it or lose it. If I don’t take advantage of it, then someone else will. If it’s going to help my business during this economic storm, then why not? If you choose not to use it because you don’t agree with the policy, then don’t. But like I said, someone else will.

For me, I see it as a three-fold benefit. 1) Free labor for some of my more tedious, mundane duties that no one really likes to do. 2) Giving a teen a summer job to make some money and hopefully keep out of trouble. 3) Identify some kids that may become more permanent after the program is over.

The downside… yes, there is a risk of hiring a kid that has issues. If that happens, I call the One Stop and they terminate his/her assignment.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

Don’t forget the dem’s benefits:
  1. Your vote (possibly)
  2. The kid’s vote (probably)
  3. The kid’s family’s vote
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog
Take the gift. Don’t drink the kool-aid.
Ask the CEO of Wells Fargo about taking government “hand-outs”.

I’m afraid I’m a bit too cynical when it comes to “free” items from the government, especially now. I do not see the intrusion of the government into the private sector as a good thing and fear it will only further crowd out private enterprise and investment.
If I don’t take advantage of it, then someone else will.
This is a true statement, and requires no defense. But I remained concerned that this “jobs stimulus program” is designed to direct more and more people, both wage earners and employers, to the government as the ultimate provider of our needs. This can only result in a loss of freedom for everyone, and as entrepreneurs, I cannot see how we can view that as a good thing.

“Remaking America, one dependent at time.”

While I’m not sure “pretentious” is quite the right description of my remarks, I stand by them and will refrain from any further comments regarding this subject.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

I would much prefer if they would let me keep more of my money (less taxation) rather than give me someone else’s money. I will take tax reduction any day of the week, but on principal I would have to refuse any money that the government would try and “give” me. Someone else worked hard for that money, not me.
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

If it works out well with the teens, we can put all the workers under the same deal. :shock:
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Re: Are any of you taking advantage of the stimulus job prog

well I happen to be in Indiana, so our crooked politians here kept ALL the federal funding and used it for teans who work in DNR (dept of natural resources)… MITCH DANIALS SUCKS
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