I’m having a mixing and proofing issue. I believe it’s been going on for a lot longer than I realized.
First, My Recipe:
55lbs Flour (00 Caputo Antico Molino Pizzeria bags)
25lbs water (including any ice during hot months)
3.5lbs Cola (Yes, CocaCola… I worked at a Pizzeria 20+ years ago where the owner did this and we got rave reviews about our crust so I just imported it to my application

2.5lbs Hot Water (100-110f, for yeast)
(31 lbs total hydration / 56%)
17.5oz (2%) Oil (was EVOO, now, we use a blend)
17.5oz (2%) Salt
3oz (.34%) Fleischmann’s IDY
I put all liquids in the mixing bowl with the flour and salt and mix for 3min on low speed. After it stops, we add the oil and originally we mixed it on speed 2 for close to 11 minutes. (At one point we were told by our mixer technician to NEVER run the dough on speed 2 so for a while, we just ran it for close to 14 min on speed 1.) The dough came out around 80 degrees f and we ball Small dough balls around 10oz for 12" shells and Large dough balls around 18oz for 16" shells. The balls go 8 to a tray for smalls and 6 to a tray for larges, then we oil the tops of the dough, offset-stack them for about 2 hours in the walk-in (too small to cross stack), then nest them.
For service, we dont have an area where we can keep the proofed doughs to get them to room temp so for years, we’ve stacked about 8-9 trays in a reach-in refrigerator convenient to the pizza prep line and they grab them drectly from the reach-in, cold, and open to order. Essentially, they are refrigerated during service and even with us going in and out of that reach-in, they dont ever get up over 50f)
We’ve never had any problems opening the dough or baking them. In fact, we have rave reviews for the texture and the flavor.
(We open the doughs in neapolitan style… very thinly in the center, leaving most of the weight around the cornice for a larger pillowy cornicione, and we bake in a 625f Marsal MB90)
Now for the Issues:
- Dough Blowing Out. After several months, we noticed an issue of the dough blowing out after barely 36hrs… definitely not lasting 48hrs. Typically we make dough today for use tomorrow, but if it ever goes beyond the 1st use day, the doughs just turn into dough-soup in the proofing boxes and we cant even come close to using them for pizza shells. I originally reduced the hydration and the yeast (they were higher before, around 60% hydration and almost 4oz (.45% IDY) but the problem persisted. We tried to start with colder dough (adding ice to the water) and that didnt do anything. This is problem #1… dough blowing out.
- Dough Mixing Consistency. The dough was coming out too cold only mixing on speed 1, even for as long as 14 additional minutes after the initial delayed-oil 3min pre-mix. So, I’ve gone back to the speed 2 mixing and have tried anywhere between 8min and 12 min and I still have the same issue. The dough, once mixed, proofed overnight and stretching open for a pizza shell, isnt smooth. The balls look wonderful on the outside but opening them up, the center of the dough looks like a spider web with noticeable cross-strands of dough and it gets super thin at points, almost popping holes.
Even with these issues, we typically have a very solid consistent product that bakes well and everyone seems to love… but I would LOVE to figure out how to keep the dough from blowing out past 36-48 hours (so that we can use the dough we made a ton of on Monday, thru Tuesday and on Wednesday).