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Assistant Manager - Help in finding staff


New member
I need to hire a new assistant manager for my store. We’re located in a moderately sized dine in/carry out location in a smaller college town in Northeast TN. We really can’t afford to pay a high salary but I’d like to find someone dependable. I haven’t had much luck with help wanted ads in our local paper. Just doesn’t seem to bring the quality of employee I’m looking for in this position. Has anyone had any luck with online posting or other non traditional help wanted ads? Specific locations preferred! Thanks in advance.
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When I’m in need of quality personnel, I just go make a few visits to my competition. Go eat some pizza…keep your eyes and ears open. I’d recommend more than one trip, and maybe even have some family or other folks do a visit or two to garner another perspective.
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first you need to pay decent a good employee pays for themselves…trust me when I say that an employee making 10 an hour works as hard as 2 min wage people…my best way that always work is go out to eat got my last employee from starbucks …you can train anyone to make pizza but customer service is a gift
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Look inside your own store. They have some cooking experience, you know their work quality and you can promote for a few bucks an hour.

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Craigslist has always worked for me. At least you know the applicants are computer literate.
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I read about a couple companies who print up business-sized cards that read something like:
“I really appreciated your outstanding service.
I wouldn’t dream of asking you to leave your job,
but if you are considering a change we would appreciate your skills at [enter business name].”
name, company name, phone number

They would give them to any person in retail who gave them outstanding customer service - other restaurants, shops in the mall, etc.
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