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Avantec Ovens


New member
Well seems like Avantec Ovens are in a state of suspended animation. Not responding top any calls or basically anything. I have a problem however, I bought a new CO-2060-2 Oven from Dave shortly after the Vegas Pizza show last year (2014). I knew I was taking a chance given the size of the company and that they really appeared to be a 1 man show - Mainly Dave. But the ovens seemed to have good review and were built well. Also the price was right so I went ahead and bought them anyway knowing that most of the components are off the shelf parts that I could source at Grainger or some other parts house should I need to.
All except the controller board, which i have now learned is a proprietary logic board.

Anyway, ovens have worked great, have no real complaints except the Logic board went out on me the other night and I have NO way to source a replacement board. Ovens are only 6 months old - Basically Brand new.

Im wondering if anyone has an extra board, or even and oven to sell that I can use as parts on forward going basis before I have to eat the 17k these ovens cost me and just buy from Middleby or XLT, something I probably should have done to begin with.

Any help or guidance would be GREATLY Appreciated. I’m liming along with an old set of Middley PS536’s.

BobbyG’s Chicago Eatery
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There are companies that may be able to repair the logic board depending upon the problem. Look online and give some of them a call to discuss your situation.
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Hi Bobby:

Are you saying that Avantec is not honoring your warranty?

George Mills
George its hit and miss right now, I was able to secure the logic board which seemed to solve the problem insofar as the ovens do fire up and the conveyors work. Problem I have now is the display board, I contacted New Haven Displays but this is a special display modified for Avantec and they want me to purchase a lot of 100 units. Seems a little over kill. I sent a message to Dave hoping I can secure this part to get the ovens fully operational again. Its kind of sad since they have less than 6 months operation time. Basically brand new inside and out. Since this has taken so long I was forced to replace the unit with another brand. I will eventually put them up for sale for parts or if I can secure the display I can put them out there as fully operational units. When they were operating it was really a very nice oven.
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We purchased 3 tiered oven from avantec at a Las Vegas show in 2013. We had one issue with it within that year, and called the so called 24 hour hotline. At that time, we could only leave a message, which they never got back to us on. Fortunately, we found the problem and solved it. Today 2 of the tiers are not heating to capacity, and we have tried for well over 4 hours to call the “24 hotline”. The answering machine informs us that “all” the customer reps are currently “unavailable”, and if we have an urgent technical matter, we are to" hang up and redial the 800 number and press option 2, otherwise leave a message and we will return your call promptly." But then the machine informs us: “The mail box is full cannot except any messages at this time. Good bye.” If anyone is looking for a pizza oven, look somewhere else. It was good - when was working, but if you can’t get technical support, what good is it? If we can’t get the issue resolved, we will have to close our restaurant until we can get the problem resolved ourselves or get a new oven. Oh, and we didn’t get any kind of manual with it, so we have no idea what we’re looking at! Since we can’t call and leave a message we have no way to reach them. On their webpage, they have a contact page, with the bogus hotline number, and no way to email them. Some contact page!!! We are totally disappointed with them. We are going to a food show this next month and they are supposed to be there. You can be sure, their’s will be the first booth I look for!!!
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We purchased 3 tiered oven from avantec at a Las Vegas show in 2013. We had one issue with it within that year, and called the so called 24 hour hotline. At that time, we could only leave a message, which they never got back to us on. Fortunately, we found the problem and solved it. Today 2 of the tiers are not heating to capacity, and we have tried for well over 4 hours to call the “24 hotline”. The answering machine informs us that “all” the customer reps are currently “unavailable”, and if we have an urgent technical matter, we are to" hang up and redial the 800 number and press option 2, otherwise leave a message and we will return your call promptly." But then the machine informs us: “The mail box is full cannot except any messages at this time. Good bye.” If anyone is looking for a pizza oven, look somewhere else. It was good - when was working, but if you can’t get technical support, what good is it? If we can’t get the issue resolved, we will have to close our restaurant until we can get the problem resolved ourselves or get a new oven. Oh, and we didn’t get any kind of manual with it, so we have no idea what we’re looking at! Since we can’t call and leave a message we have no way to reach them. On their webpage, they have a contact page, with the bogus hotline number, and no way to email them. Some contact page!!! We are totally disappointed with them. We are going to a food show this next month and they are supposed to be there. You can be sure, their’s will be the first booth I look for!!!
Avantec has DEFINITELY gone out of business. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Before they went out of business, I was able to secure a service manual for the 3242 model. It has a pretty good trouble-shooting guide that can help you diagnose some potential problems. Unfortunately, the PDF file I have is too big to attach to this thread (10.1 MB). However, if you email me at [email protected], I will send you a link to download the file.

The good news is that many of the parts can be found “off the shelf.” Unfortunately, other parts, like the conveyor controller mentioned in the beginning of this thread are proprietary which means we may never be able to get those parts.
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Well, glad I dodged that bullet. Even met with Dave and talked to him in person. I almost bought one last year. Nice concept with the stacked belts in one oven.
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I think they were purchased by Hobart, might want to check it out.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi George;
Is it possible that Hobart is providing the service on the Avantec ovens? I was speaking to Dave at Pizza Expo last year and I remember him saying something about Hobart but I don’t remember the details anymore. Then too maybe it was something in the planning stage that never materialized?
Are you planning to attend Pizza Expo again this coming year? I hope to see you there.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi Tom

I wish I could attend but, dispite being in otherwise good health, I have arthritis in my knees an cannot walk well enough.

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Will your son be there?
By the way, I had knee surgery this past spring to repair a torn meniscus and while the surgeon was in there he polished some roughness off of the joint (arthritis). Wow! What an improvement!!! I was in by 1:30 p.m. and home by 4:00 p.m. with nothing but three very small incisions, up and about walking in 24-hours, absolutely no pain, never even had to use any pain meds. Don’t know if you would be a candidate for polishing the roughness off of the knee joint or not, but something to look into.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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