Can someone tell me some averages here. 2nd restaurant is in it’s 8th month. Very affluent area with lots of competition. Summer here and gone and with a drop off of 50% in sales. I was reluctant to cut people with fear of a possible rush and did not want to tarnish my reputation. Of course everyone knows murphy’s law! Anyway I am a full service restaurant and I strive for a 25% food cost and 25 % Labor.My payroll is high because of my check. It hovered between 42 and 50 percent over the summer…obviously my payroll was the chunk of it. Should I calculate my payroll into the 25 percent or should I leave myself out of it. Is it possible to run a full service location on 25 percent payroll(including me)? I really need help here. Plus I run my percentages off of gross sales (is this correct). I have a great atmosphere, great food and great location. The area I live in is a median annual salary of $250,000 plus.
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